Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ron Paul's Million Dollar Week

Ron Paul surprised many political pundits last quarter when he blew away John McCain in fundraising, rising to the number three spot for campaign cash on hand. It looks like Dr. Paul will have another banner fundraising quarter in the third-quarter as well.

Dr. Paul's war chest was already doing good when, on Monday, September 24 his campaign announced its goal to raise $500,000 online by Sunday, September 30th, the end of the third-quarter. Ron Paul grassroots supporters rose to the challenge, raising $170,ooo online by the next day, with contributions rolling in at about $10,000 per hour.

On Saturday night Dr. Paul and his wife Carol, campaigning in New Hampshire, watched on a laptop computer as the website counter ticked past one million dollars raised. $1,000,000 raised online in less than a week! Not too bad for a candidate who seems to be ignored by the media and party bosses. It shows what the support of the people can still do.

How much will he raise in the fourth quarter? Hopefully enough to keep scaring the snot out of the political establishment.

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