"I do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies both foreign and domestic."
Many people have taken that oath, to include military personnel, all our beloved politicians, and even the drones and hacks of the Federal bureaucracy. But how many really mean it? How many have actually supported and defended that document? The only horse in the race who has consistenly stood by that oath in thought, word, and deed is Ron Paul. I hate to say it, but I've lost more liberty to the Federal Government that I ever have to any foreign powers.
Some would say Ron Paul is not a military candidate because of his crazy Constitutional stance of not going to war without a Declaration of War. Some would say that just because active duty military members have donated twice as much to Ron Paul as to any other Republican candidate doesn't mean the military supports him.
Well, if you would care to peruse this list, there would seem to be one or two of us who do indeed support him.
Geez Bawb, are you sure you got that oath right? During a recent debate, John McCain was bragging about taking an oath to "defend America's freedom" or something (I forget his exact words)when he became an officer. However he said it, there was nary a mention of the Constitution. I was hoping Ron Paul would jump his ass about it, but it slipped by him. Maybe Squid Flyboys get their own oath.
ReplyDeleteLike you, the oath I took was not so nebulous as "defending freedom." Since I was joining the IOWA Army National Guard my oath was slightly different than the one you active-duty boys took, as I had to swear to defend both the U.S. Constitution and the Iowa Constitution.
Mine was: "I, Ben the Blogger, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of Iowa against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of Iowa and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. So help me God."
When Bill Salier, a conservative Iowa ex-Marine, was seeking the GOP nod to go up against Tom Harkin he pointed out that that the oath he swore to defend the Constitution had no expiration date. It was a good point.