Sunday, March 09, 2008

Iowa Weapons Bill Clears 1st Hurdle

Last week was "funnel week" in the Iowa legislature. During funnel week all bills that haven't been approved by the respective committee considering them are dead for the year. Bills that have been approved then proceed to the full House of Representatives or Senate to be voted on.

Among the survivors of this winnowing process is HF 2092, the bill seeking to provide uniformity to Iowa's concealed weapons permit system. [I wrote about this bill previously.] Passing the committee by an impressive 18 to 3 majority, reports that the bill will probably be voted on by the full membership of the House within the next two weeks.

Iowans who care about this issue are encouraged to contact their state representative and urge them to support House File 2092. Click here to find your Iowa representative. Snail mail can be addressed:

Representative "So-and-So"
State Capitol
Des Moines IA 50319

The House switchboard number is 515-281-3221, where you can leave a short message for your rep. Be sure to give your name and address, so they know that you live and vote in their district.

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