Wonders never cease. It appears that the Iowa GOP might actually send in a true conservative to take on liberal icon Tom Harkin for U.S. Senate. Christopher Reed (apparently a conservative) squeaked into the GOP nomination by about 400 votes over his nearest challenger. In the last go-round six years ago, GOP primary voters narrowly chose moderate Greg Ganske over conservative ex-Marine Bill Salier. Ganske now serves as a rug in Harkin's Bahama beach home.
Reed got my attention by earning the endorsement of Gun Owners of America. Since they don't endorse a candidate in every race, when they do it means the candidate is a true Second Amendment leader.
While I don't support the full conservative agenda, if Reed is 100% pro-gun, a strict constitutionalist, and willing to stand up to his own party to cut spending in DC, I could probably vote for him in November, rather than for my Libertarian Party candidate. If there's a chance to send that big-government, gun-banning, tax-and-spend liberal caricature Tom Harkin home, it would be worth it. Four term Senator Harkin has defeated more sitting members of Congress than anyone in office, so it won't be an easy task.
Responding to Tuesday's primary results, Harkin campaign manager Igor Lenin told reporters, "Excellent. Send de Reed boy to us. De Master has awakened, as he does every six years, and demands the blood of the living- NO! Bad Igor, bad! I meant to say, de Master looks forward to an honest and spirited debate with his honored opponent."
Reed and Gun Owners of America might not want to pop too many corks yet though. Second -place GOP finisher former state Rep. George Eichhorn may call for a recount. (I don't know anything about Eichhorn, so I'll just assume he's neo-con weenie.)
As of the Tuesday count, Reed had about 35.2% of the vote and Eichhorn had 34.65%. To get the nomination the candidate must get 35%. If the recount puts Reed below that magic number, then the nominee will be chosen at the GOP state convention. Given the history that the RNC and other party apparatus have with trying to torpedo conservative campaigns, in favor of "moderate" candidates that they feel are more "electable," that might not bode well for Reed. Stay tuned.
We can only hope to get that damn blowhard Harkin out of office this time around. Miracles do happen, even South Dakota got smart and voted out Dashle.
ReplyDeleteAre you refering to The Great Harkini? "Hurry! Hurry! Step right up! Watch him transform right before your very eyes into a "conservative" every election cycle!"