Sunday, August 03, 2008

Remember The Battle of Athens!

A Special Alert from our friends at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO):

August 1 and 2 mark the sixty-second anniversary of the Battle of Athens, Tennessee, and we here at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership intend to observe it. And we're asking you to join us.

On those dates in 1946, residents of McMinn County, most of them recently-returned veterans of World War II, took guns in hand and rose up against a corrupt and brutal administration they'd been trying to get the state's authorities to do something about for years -- to no avail. Voting didn't help because the county elections -- and ballot boxes -- were controlled by the very criminals they were trying to dislodge.

What followed was a prime example of the reason America's Founding Fathers sought to protect the right of the individual to own and carry weapons. Without their guns, the citizens would have been nothing but helpless peasants, serfs, peons -- just like most of humanity over the last six thousand years -- ground under the thumbs of well-armed local racketeers.

To read more about this exciting story, go here -

Next time that some victim disarmament advocate argues that the Second Amendment -- and the rights and hardware it protects -- are outmoded, outdated, and obsolete, you'll have something to tell them about.

Only at JPFO!

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