Wednesday, December 31, 2008

RNC Growing A Pair?

The Washington Times reports that the Republican Nat'l Committee will try to pass a resolution next month accusing President Bush and Congressional Republicans of moving our economy further into socialism.

The resolution simply states: "WHEREAS, the Bank Bailout Bill effectively nationalized the Nation's banking system, giving the United States non-voting warrants from participating financial institutions, and moving our free market based economy another dangerous step closer toward socialism; and WHEREAS, what was needed, and is still needed, to fix the banking industry is not a bailout, but rather a commitment to fiscal responsibility."

That seems pretty tame to most of us out here in fly-over country. We would have preferred that they include the phrase "communist weasel pussies" when describing Bush and his gang of DC RINOs. I also don't think the bailouts are a "step [...] toward socialism." We're already there. The bailouts are just a step further into it.

However, the resolution is a step in the right direction at least. Let's hope that they actually mean it and it's not just a publicity stunt to salve hurt feelings with conservatives. Maybe, just maybe, someday we can go back to having at least two parties in this country.


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