Just when you thought it couldn’t get any weirder. The Big O’s wacky minions and their crazy agendas are leaking out all over the place, like an over-loaded diaper.
First off, into the realm of borderline insane and downright creepy, goofball Hollyweird celebs are pledging allegiance personally to Barry Soetoro himself. We are in Kooksville Central with these moonbats. About seventy years ago, another slick-talking demagogue made people swear an allegiance to him personally. Look how that turned out. Anyway, a bunch of these celebrity nitwits made some video to quite literally worship the Messiah.
“Musician” Anthony Kiedis (never heard of him; I’m guessing he won’t be cutting a country or gospel album anytime soon) started the ball rolling with, “I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama.”
In jumps Demi Moore, who, if she’s made a movie in the past five years I was not aware of it and/or don't care, staring into the camera and fanatically promising, “I pledge to be a servant to our president,”
They also pledge to make the entire world sweetness and light and happiness and butterflies and, I kid you not, “Abolish Slavery”!!!! (As long as it doesn’t require them to use any of their money.) Lay off the Kool-Aid, kids.
Then we have the “change” of Obama advisor/Clintonite re-tread Robert “Thousand Year” Reich basically espousing racism in hiring in regards to the “stimulus” package. Kinda reminds me of Federal government hiring practices already. Who gives a rat’s behind if they’re even remotely qualified; they’re diverse.
From Robert Reichstag’s own blog: “But if there aren’t enough skilled professionals to do the jobs involving new technologies, the stimulus will just increase the wages of the professionals who already have the right skills rather than generate new jobs in these fields. And if construction jobs go mainly to white males who already dominate the construction trades, many people who need jobs the most—women, minorities, and the poor and long-term unemployed—will be shut out.” Never mind the fact white male construction workers have already pretty well been put out of business by illegals.
He later noted, “I have nothing against white male construction workers, I’m just saying there are other people who have needs as well.” I’m surprised he didn’t add, “Some of my best friends are white male construction workers.”
Charlie Rangel had to jump on the bandwagon, too. Those pesky state governors, if they want to belly up to the trough for their share of the stimulus bucks, will have to toe the line and do exactly what Reich and Rangel and their ilk demand they do. Just as the Founding Fathers intended in the 10th Amendment. I, for one, having worked for Fed.gov, just can’t wait to use bridges, levees, and transit systems designed and built by the least common denominator.
My favorite, though, is the Big O’s own agenda. He just became the very first president ever to snub The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball. This was begun by Dwight D. Eisenhower to honor the nation’s heroes, the recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor. The Messiah made it to all of the other 10 official inaugural balls, the ones swarming with celebrities, but couldn’t find time to bother with those pesky CMH winners, the American Legion, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Order of the Purple Heart, etc.
And the beat goes on. Welcome to Kooksville.
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