Thursday, January 29, 2009

Random Points of Perspective

On Mandates
Number of Americans that voted for Barack Obama: 66.8 million
Number of Americans that DIDN’T vote for Barack Obama: 237 million
Electoral votes for Barack Obama: 365
Electoral votes for Ronald Reagan (1984): 525

On War
Cost of “War on Terror” in Iraq and Afghanistan (through FY2008 request):
$820 billion ( in 2007 dollars)
Cost of American Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War (Union & Confederate costs), Spanish-American War, World War I, and Persian Gulf War combined:
$551 billion (in inflation -adjusted 2007 dollars)

(source: Reason Magazine)

On Taxes
Year 2000 (Before “Bush tax cuts for the wealthy“):
Top 10% of wage earners paid 67.33% of all federal income taxes collected.
Bottom 50% of wage earners paid 3.91% of all federal income taxes collected.
Year 2006 (After “Bush tax cuts for the wealthy“):
Top 10% of wage earners paid 70.79% of all federal income taxes collected.
Bottom 50% of wage earners paid 2.99% of all federal income taxes collected.

(source: Heritage Foundation)

On Guns
Australian crime rates during the 6 years following passage of sweeping gun ban in 1996:
armed robbery + 51%, unarmed robbery +37%, assault +24%, kidnapping +43%, murder - 3%, manslaughter +16%

English handgun crime in 2 years following its 1997 gun ban: +40%

Increase in the number of guns in U.S. during the 1990s: +40 million
Murder rate during same period: -40%
Accidental gun deaths during same period: -40%

(source: Gun Owners of America)


  1. Are you sure on the numbers of Obama vs. Reagan? The media told me Ronnie's elections were "aberrations" but Barry's is "a sweeping mandate from the overwhelming majority of the masses".

  2. Exactly. The number not voting for Obama includes nonvoters. Obama DID get 52.92% of the popular vote, so I'm not implying that his win isn't legitimate. Just pointing out that, as you mentioned, it ain't a free ticket to whatever he wants. Plenty of people didn't vote for his "change."

    (Reagan got 58.8% of the popular vote in 1984, by the way.)

  3. It should also be noted that Aussie crime rates were actually in DECLINE in the decade before they passed their big gun ban.
