Remember when it was a big deal whether or not Bill Clinton "inhaled"? God, I miss him. Anyway, in one of his umpteenth autobiographies, (probably written by Bill Ayers) Obama pretty much admitted to spending a couple of years of high school snorting coke and stoned to the bejeebers.
Now his half brother George Hussein Onyango Obama, the one who lives in abject poverty in a hut in Kenya (how 'bout spreading a little of your own wealth there, Barry) has been busted for pot.
You won't see it mentioned in any American MSM source, and I agree it's no big deal. However, just think if it were some relative of Sarah Palin's. The media would be all over it like flies on hog crap, treating it like the Crime of the Century.
In fact, if not for the foreign press, we would not even know that Barry had a half-brother living in a hut in Kenya. Without the blogosphere and talk radio finding and breaking stories, we wouldn't know about his illegal alien aunt (also living in poverty), Bill Ayers, Jerimiah Wright, Tony Rezko, Frank Davis, the Barry Soetoro thing, or any of the other minor scandals. In fact, I'll bet most people don't know about half of the associations above.
If they don't report it, it didn't happen. That's the MSM's dirty little secret. What they don't report is probably more important than what they do, kind of like the days of Pravda in the old Soviet Union. No wonder the Drive-by Media detests and is so fearful of alternate news sources. How dare they challenge the monopoly?!?!
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