We all know, or should know, Social Security has essentially never been anything more than a Ponzi scheme to begin with. Social Security could have inspired Bernie Madoff; his only mistake was that his rip-offs did not go into the coffers of a bloated government. The way Social Security was set up, it could never have worked in the long run anyway as more people were paid out and fewer and fewer people paid in. Any actual funds in the Social Security kitty have been raided and pissed away by greedy Congresscirtters decades ago.
So, since that hole's dried up, Democratic Congressmen Gary Ackerman of New York, thinks it's time to raid public pension funds as well, and use them help prop up the nation's banks. Hey, Gary, in case you hadn't noticed those banks have already had billions of taxpayer dollars shoveled into them. And it did little good. And your past actions have shown, as P.J. O'Rorke says, that "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys." And, of course, it's not your bloody money. But that's never stopped them before.
“Some of us are getting tired of writing checks with public money” and seeing no results, Mr. Ackerman said.
Gary-boy, some of us are getting really tired of seeing you write checks with our money and seeing no results.
But they (pension funds) do not need all of their assets immediately, because their time horizon for paying benefits is decades long.
Hey, Dipstick, that was the reasoning you clowns used to rape Social Security and look how well that worked. Maybe you should start paying one looted fund back before your rob another one.
“Sometimes, you have to do things to benefit people who didn’t behave so well,” Mr. Ackerman said.
Spoken like a true Socialist, Asserman. Why don't you use your money to prop up the banks? Oh, I forgot, if you're like half of Oabama's cabinet, you don't pay your taxes anyway so there's no money there to monkey with. If, like our presidential candidates this last go-round indicated, these type of Congresscritters are the "best and brightest" this country can cough up, we are indeed doomed.
Reading the accompanying article, this a-hole is selling this as "helping" these pension funds for public employees because they lost a lot of money lately. Reason magazine had an article last month about how public pension funds had fared worse than other private funds because they attempted to use their investments for social engineering purposes. The California fund's decision not to invest in companies that deal with tobacco, for instance, cost the fund BILLIONS. In tough economic times booze, smoking, and gambling all go up. So, maybe if these funds had invested their funds with the goal of making money, rather than being politically-correct, they wouldn't be as bad off.
ReplyDeleteEither way, as Bawb points out, it ain't Ackerman's money.