For about the last eight years the liberal media has presented us with a morality play better than that of any found in mythology. In this rendition, an evil king, King George, has been personally holding handicapped people down in their wheelchairs by withholding federal funds from stem cell research. But now a handsome young prince has vanquished the evil king and promises to free the medically oppressed from the wicked king’s spell.
For the millions of Americans who bought into this narrative, it stands to reason that all it should take now is a mere scribble from the new god-king’s mighty pen and the paralyzed will leap from their wheelchairs and the comatose will pull out their feeding tubes and dance a jig.
Lest you think I exaggerate the expectation levels, consider the words of Roman Reed, a stem cell research advocate, himself confined to a wheelchair. At the ceremony where President Obama signed the executive order reversing Bush’s ban on federal funding of stem cell research, Reed stated, "Under President John F. Kennedy, we were the first to walk on the moon. Under President Obama we'll be the first to walk on Earth."
As someone who is watching a loved one slowly succumb to an incurable and fatal brain disease, I understand this hope for the miracle, for that magic bullet, that medical research may bring. But the Democrats have sold a story to people that the magic bullet ALREADY exists, that Bush has been callously hoarding it in his breast pocket like a deranged Barney Fife. They have raised many people’s hopes too high, all to pick up a few votes. Shame on them!
The whole sorted affair shows why there should be a separation of scientific research and state. By rights, there should already be such a separation, as the Constitution gives the federal government NO authority over medical research. Stem cell research should have been neither Bush’s nor Obama’s call.
As the government expands its control over health care, we can expect more and more medical issues to become objects of this tug-of-war and the ill to become pawns in the political game between the two parties as they seek wedges issues to gain votes.
Is stem cell research immoral? I’m pro-life, but yet I don’t know if it is or not. The whole issue is so shot through with partisan maneuvering that it’s hard to separate fact from crap, and I don‘t have the energy. But I do know that it is immoral to promise the ill that they could be well, if only the right party was in power, just to gain votes. I hope that the Democrats get burned when the people realize that the messiah that was sold to them is a false one.
Those of us who never have believed in "Him" must assume that the people will come to their senses eventually. They have to or all is lost. In the mean time, we can console ourselves with the words of Thomas Jefferson. In the dark days of 1798, after the passage of the tyrannical Alien and Sedition Acts, he wrote:
"A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public debt. If the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake.”
I would be all for this if it could save loved ones but embryonic stem cell research looks more and more like the global warming hoax. Adult stem cell harvesting is much more efficient and doesn't involve killing anyone. This is a pro-abortion rather than medical issue. Even the US News and World Report is admitting it.
It's more useful as a political issue than actual medical applications. It just pissed me off that the Democrats would give some people more hope than their circumstances may justify. Hope is a good thing, but these people are probably out buying walking shoes right now. It will hit them hard when a promised miracle doesn't materialize.
ReplyDeleteAnd, no, I didn't have much problem with Bush's ban on federal spending on this. I wish he would have banned 99% of the fed-gov's other spending too.
ReplyDeleteYou whetted my interest, Vernon. Reading a little about John Hanson, he had an interesting life and unfortantly is a largely forgotten member of our founding generation. Whether or not he took any fiery chariot rides he was an interesting man.