Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gun Nut Roundup June '09

23 State Attorneys General Oppose "Assault Weapons" Ban

In April, Ben and Bawb's Blog reported that 65 Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder stating their opposition to renewing the ban on so-called "assault weapons." Now A.G. Holder, a vocal supporter of reinstating the ban, has received a letter signed by the attorneys general of 23 states.

The letter stated, "As the states' top law enforcement officials, we share the Obama Administration's commitment to reducing illegal drugs and violent crime within the United States. We also share your deep concern about drug cartel violence in Mexico. However, we do not believe that restricting law-abiding Americans' access to certain semi-automatic firearms will resolve any of these problems."

States whose attorney general signed the document are: Arkansas –Alabama -Colorado -Florida-Georgia -Idaho -Kansas -Kentucky -Louisiana -Michigan-Missouri -Montana-Oklahoma-Nebraska-Nevada-New Hampshire-North Dakota -South Carolina -South Dakota-Texas -Utah -Wisconsin–Wyoming

Fed Goons Hitting Border State Gun Owners

The National Rifle Association-Institute For Legislative Action has reported receiving complaints from its members in U.S./Mexico border states of being visited by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) agents. According to NRA-ILA, "the agents were making inquiries based on the number of firearms these NRA members had recently bought, and in some cases the agents said they were asking because the members had bought types of guns that are frequently recovered in Mexico."

Following the Obama playbook, the BATFE appears to be using Mexico's rampant drug crime as an excuse to harass American gun owners. As we also reported in April, most Mexican crime guns do NOT come from the American civilian market. Regardless, gun buyers should not be harassed for buying items that they may legally purchase.

July 4th Begins Firearms "National Training Week"

According to the July 1 edition of Gun Week, citizens are urged to celebrate both the Fourth and "National Training Week," wherein folks are "encouraged to visit gun ranges and enjoy the shooting sports." Gun range and gun shop operators are encouraged to promote the event and offer specials to attract new shooters. The event runs July4-11.

National Training Week has been endorsed by the Second Amendment Foundation, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, the Firearms Coalition, Americans for Tax Reform, Gun Owners of America, and the Appleseed Project.

See you at the range!

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