Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gun Nut Roundup - December '09

GOA Makes Small Win On Obamacare

Gun Owners of America, the "no compromise" gun lobby was able to eke out a small win for gun owners in the onerous Obamacare bill passed recently in the Senate. The provisions that GOA got inserted in the bill state that no wellness program under the bill may require disclosure or collect information about gun ownership. Another provision would prohibit private insurers covered under the bill from denying coverage, charging higher premiums or denying discounts because the customer owns guns. The bill still sucks, but way to go GOA!

NRA Tweaks Its Iowa Concealed Carry Bill

The NRA has revised its bill to change Iowa from a "may issue" to "shall issue" state. The original bill was criticised as too weak by Jeff Knox and the local group Iowa Gun Owners, among others. The groups Iowa Carry (affiliated with Second Amendment Foundation), the Iowa Sportsmen's Federation (an NRA affiliate), and Iowa State Rifle & Pistol Association (an NRA affiliate) are supporting the NRA's new bill. Let's hope the NRA gets it right.

More Guns, Less Crime In '09

According to early reports from the FBI, during the first half of 2009, murders fell by 10% while gun sales surged by 30% during the same period. Yet again the anti-Second Amendment crowd looks stupid and pathetic pushing their gun bans that have never worked to reduce crime, but reduce only freedom. Absolutely no one who regularly reads this blog will be surprised by these statistics.

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