Anti-Gun Kagan Confirmed To High Court
The U.S. Senate confirmed President Obama's second nominee to the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, by a vote of 63 to 37. Five RINO Senators joined the Democrats in voting for Ms. Kagan, who replaces liberal justice John Paul Stevens. Kagan (who never actually served as a judge, but who has watched several episodes of "Wapner") is no friend of the Second Amendment.
According to GOA: "While serving in the Clinton administration, Kagan drafted an executive order to ban certain semi-automatic firearms; As a law clerk, she advised against the Supreme Court considering Sandidge v. United States in a case that questioned the constitutionality of the D.C. gun ban, writing that she was 'not sympathetic' to the gun owner's Second Amendment claims; and Kagan was also part of the Clinton team that pushed the firearms industry to include gun locks with all gun purchases and was in the Clinton administration when the President pushed legislation that would close down gun shows. During her hearings, Kagan ducked and dodged questions about the Second Amendment, and she refused to declare whether she believes the Second Amendment protects an individual right."
EPA Denies Ban On Lead Ammo
A coalition of sniveling eco-pussies petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency to ban all lead hunting ammunition and fishing sinkers earlier in the month. Such a move would surely push ammo prices even higher than they are now. Groups like the NRA and National Shooting Sports Federation (NSSF) opposed the move and the EPA quickly ruled that it lacked legal authority to implement the sweeping ban.
The coalition pushing for the ban included five groups: Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, Project Gutpile, Association of Avian Veterinarians, American Bird Conservancy, and Center for Biological Diversity. Lick our nuts, bunny huggers!
SAF Joins In Nordyke Case
From "The Second Amendment Foundation has filed an amicus curiae brief in the long-running Nordyke v. King case in California, arguing that Second Amendment issues must be decided on a "strict scrutiny" basis, and that an ordinance in Alameda County banning gun shows at the county fairgrounds is unconstitutional because it would not withstand that standard of review."
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