Lawsuit Against Misdemeanor Gun Ban
The Second Amendment Foundation has filed suit against Eric Holder and the FBI over the feds prohibition on gun ownership by certain people who have only committed misdemeanors. The case involves a Vietnam veteran denied the right to keep and bear arms. In July 1968 a young enlistedman in the Navy named Jefferson Wayne Schrader got into a scuffle with a street gang that attacked him for walking in their "territory." Schrader gave as well as he got and was arrested and had to pay a $100 fine. Shrader went on to serve in Vietnam and was eventually honorably discharged.
Fast forward 40 years. In 2008 and again in 2009, Schrader was denied the ability to take possession of a firearm. The FBI advised him to ditch any firearms he may already own, or face jail time. “Schrader’s dilemma,” explained SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, “is that until recently, Maryland law did not set forth a maximum sentence for the crime of misdemeanor assault. Because of that, he is now being treated like a felon and his gun rights have been denied."
Hopefully, SAF will be able to straighten this out for Schrader and all others who get caught in this legal loophole. Since SAF is the group that has given Second Amendment supporters the Supreme Court legal victories in DC v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago, the smart money is on them. (Smart money also says the NRA will take credit for it all again anyway.)
Judge Strikes Down Wisconsin Concealed Carry Ban
There are only two states left that don't permit any type of concealed carry: Wisconsin and Illinois. This may soon change in Wisconsin, however. Citing the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in McDonald v. Chicago as precedent, a Wisconsin county judge recently ruled the state's ban on concealed carry to be unconstitutional and rapped his Leinie on the bench authoritatively, in lieu of a gavel. While this will no doubt be appealed, it is an important first step in the legal process.
Also, in this month's elections, the cheddarheads elected a new governor and Republican majorities to their legislature who appear more willing to advance concealed carry. The previous governor, Democrat Jim Doyle, was a festering anti-gun pus gut who had vetoed previous concealed carry legislation. Anyway you slice it, the future for concealed carry looks brighter than ever in "America's Dairyland."
Anti-Gun Obama Picks Anti-Gun Thug To Head ATF
President Obama's pick to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has riled gun rights supporters. On November 15th, Obama nominated Andrew Traver, who's currently in charge of the agency's Chicago office, to head the whole shootin' match.
Traver has supported requiring state and local licensing of gun dealers (in addition to their federal licenses), gun rationing laws, laws stifling gun shows, bans on sport-utility rifles, and bans on .50-caliber rifles, among other things to make gun owners miserable.
Not everyone is upset with Traver's nomination, however. Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Center to Control Gun Violence (formerly Handgun Control Inc.) said, “[W]e were very happy that he nominated Traver. Everything we hear of Traver is very positive.”
With a recommendation like that, why shouldn't gun nuts hate him?
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