BEN AND BAWB'S BLOG- A blog of two brothers: published writers, gun nuts, former soldiers, and recovering Republicrats both. From the purple mountain majesties of Montana comes Bawb, bitterly clinging to God and his guns. From the fruited plain of Iowa comes Ben, a patriot Walter Mitty. Wielding the sacred power of the written word the way a three-year-old might wield his daddy's shotgun, these are their musings.*
Saturday, November 12, 2011
VETERAN'S DAY CHUCKLE: The Corpseman Cometh
For the benefit of those who get their information from the MSM, one of Barack's s many, many, many "overlooked" gaffes was to refer to a Navy Corpsman as a "Corpseman" (more than once) during a speech. Some days he can't even deliver coherent speech when reading from the TOTUS.
What? You didn't hear about that little gaffe? But I'll bet you heard all about how Dubya pronounces "nuclear", didn't you?
I wonder if the most cerebral president can say "potato" without a teleprompter.
I always enjoy taking the piss out of the geologists who after years of university didn't know what a stillson was.