Testy: Howdy. Ya’ll like my cool interview studio? It
looks like a barn, don’t it. Why I got me some of them cluckin’ birds and a big
moo cow and some hay bales…
BBB: Straw.
Testy: Whatever. And lookee here at this big farming
BBB: It’s a combine.
Testy: I signed legislation for the government to
take over the manufacturer to provide jobs for UAW members.
BBB: Well, that’s explains the large pool of oil and
hydraulic fluid and assorted broken cheap cast parts underneath it. What’s with
the Greek columns?
Testy: Oh. Those’re left-overs from some other guy’s
BBB: Well, despite my rising nausea, let’s jump right
in shall we?
Testy: Now where are my manners? Ya’ll want a nice
big glass of Kool-Aid afore we start.
BBB: For God’s sake, stop trying to talk like a
hillbilly. You sound worse than Hillary.
Testy: It’s good Kool-Aid. All the other reporters
drink it.
BBB: Senator, you were elected six years ago
on this whole Mr. Smith goes to Washington,
I’m-a-rancher-with-a-crew cut persona. Seems like the same old story. You didn’t
change Washington, Washington changed you.
Testy: I still have the same haircut.
BBB: OK, the way I read things, initially you
actually did cast some votes representing the wishes of the people of Montana, including a
vote against the first bail out package. Now that took guts to go against the establishment, and I honestly have to give you a great deal of credit for that.
Testy: Why yes I did. And I’s willin’ to stand on my
BBB: But the record says after you voted your conscience those
first few times, the Big Dems came around to you…perhaps even with their
assistants Vinnie and Vito…and explained why you should "play ball" and be a good
Party Member rather than a representative of the people of Montana. Or else.
Testy: They had some really good Kool-Aid. Mmmmm.
BBB: So, the next time at bat you vote the Party Line
on the Stimulus bill and voila, you are suddenly appointed to some
important and prestigious senate committees.
Testy: Mere coincidence.
BBB: The people of Montana sure weren’t behind the whole Health
Care sham. Why did you vote for that?
Testy: We had to pass it to see what was in it.
BBB: The fact that anyone from Montana knows Nancy Pelosi makes me sick.
Testy: Try some of this Kool-Aid. Really settles the
BBB: Enough with the Kool-Aid, damn it. It would
appear to be impossible for you to run again on the whole "I’m-gonna-clean-up-Washington and kick-lobbyist-ass" theme after you’ve taken $200,000 from them in the past six years.
Testy: Um. I had to take the money to see what was in
BBB: You voted with Dear Leader 95% of the time. In
case you hadn’t noticed, neither the One nor his fiscally reckless and socialist policies are real
popular in your home state.
Testy: Yeah, well, Denny voted with Bush a bunch of times.
BBB: Jeez. Blaming Bush is getting as old as the Kool-Aid thing. So that’s about the strongest selling point your
campaign has? My opponent is a lying hypocritical Washington
scumbag with an “R” behind his name so I’m a better choice because I’m a lying
hypocritical Washington
scumbag with a “D” behind my name.
Testy: Yes, please repeat that numerous times in you
article. Denny is a lying hypocritical Washington
BBB: This ain’t about him at the moment. What about you?
Testy: Hey, wait a minute. You won’t drink my
Kool-Aid. You didn’t bring any smoke or mirrors with you. You’re not kissing my
ass…you’re not from the Missoula
Independent or the MSU student newspaper!
BBB: Now, how about your record on raising taxes and increasing
spending while voting yourself pay raises as a Senato…
Testy: Guards! Guards!
Homeland Security SWAT team rappels from the ceiling brandishing
an array of firepower not often seen outside of Mexican drug lord compounds. Repeatedly
taser and drag interviewer away.
Testy: Keep him detained without trial indefinitely!
At least until 2019 if I get re-elected! Now send in the interviewer from the
Independent. I know they’ll have some Kool-Aid with me.
Gee Bawb, you guys always get the best interviews of the lot.
ReplyDeleteI have been studying your technique in the hope of emulating your achievements in this area. While you don't seem to have the empathy that is normally needed to bring out the best in these people, you certainly seem to understand what they are about and where they are coming from.
Is this your secret?