(Rifles and Riflemen in the Revolution Part 1)
At the beginning of the American
Revolutionary War, the muzzle-loading flintlock smoothbore musket was the
state-of-the-art military standard small arm the world over. For the British
Army this meant the Brown Bess. The vast majority of Americans would also go to
war with the very same musket, or an American-made copy thereof, often referred
to as the “Queen’s Arm.”
With the exception of the firing
mechanism being up-graded from the flintlock ignition to the percussion cap
system, Brown Bess would serve the British Army from 1722 to 1854. In 1775, the
Short Land Pattern Musket was the standard, having been first adopted in 1740
to replace the 1722-vintage Long Land Pattern Musket. The Short Land Pattern
had a .75-caliber barrel some 42 inches long, giving it an overall length of
56-1/2 inches and an empty weight of 10-1/2 pounds. By the military standards
of the era it was considered a good weapon, enjoying a reputation for
ruggedness and reliability. Some historians think the name Brown Bess was a
soldiers’ corruption of the Dutch or German terms braun buss, meaning “strong gun.”
Short Land Pattern Brown Bess Musket: A rather large handle for the bayonet.
Although nominally listed as a
.75-caliber, according to the Springfield Armory Museum even “Tower-inspected”
Brown Bess muskets were approved as “close enough for government work” if the
bore gauged anywhere from .72- to .80-caliber. The British Army standard issue
musket ball itself was actually .71-inch in diameter, and the French issue
.69-caliber musket ball could be used as well. With a 100-grain charge of black
powder, the Brown Bess fired a round lead ball weighing over an ounce at a
muzzle velocity of perhaps 1,000 feet per second, and generated considerable
recoil in the process. If held perfectly horizontal at the regulation five feet
above ground level, the ball would fall to earth at roughly 125 yards.
The blackpowder propellant used in
firearms of the era “burned dirty”, i.e. it did not completely combust. In
addition to propelling the projectile itself, it also produced an acrid cloud
of thick gray smoke and left a black residue known as fouling on the inside of
the barrel. After firing numerous times, the fouling could built up inside the
bore to such a degree that loading a tight-fitting ball from the muzzle became
difficult and eventually impossible. Thus, militaries of the day wanted a
loose-fitting musket ball so that soldiers could continue to load and fire even
if their gun barrel was heavily fouled.
Although this solved one problem, the
loose fit of the ball also sacrificed velocity as the gasses of the burning gun
powder escaped around it while propelling it down the barrel. More problematic
was the fact that as the ill-fitting projectile rattled down the bore it struck
at slightly different places each time the gun was fired, resulting in a lack
of consistency from shot to shot, destroying accuracy at all but the shortest
of ranges. Lacking the stabilizing spin of a rifle ball, the musket ball itself
was less accurate and lost its momentum and striking energy rather quickly. Some
today may find it surprising that the Brown Bess did not have any sights with which to aim the weapon. The best an
infantryman could do to aim the weapon was use the bayonet lug to roughly line
up the barrel with the target. Thus, individually, the smoothbore musket was
inherently inaccurate.
Just how bad was the accuracy
problem? A knowledgeable British officer who fought in the Revolution, then
Major George Hanger wrote, “A soldier’s musket, if not exceedingly ill-bored
(as many are), will strike the figure of a man at 80 yards: it may even at 100;
but a soldier must be very unfortunate indeed who shall be wounded by a common
musket at 150 yards, provided the antagonist aims at him; as to firing at a man
at 200 yards, with a common musket, you may as well just fire at the moon.”
This was not just hyperbole on the part of the always verbose
George Hanger; his estimate is quite accurate and was proven right numerous
times over the years. In 1792, the British Army conducted a test in which a
marksman fired 21 rounds from a Brown Bess at a target 4-feet square at 100
yards range and scored only 12 hits. In 1838, the Royal Engineers at Chatham
conducted live-fire tests with standard-issue Brown Bess muskets (updated with
a percussion lock) which revealed that “about” three fourths of the musket
balls fired at 150 yards at a target 3 feet tall and 11-1/2 feet wide struck the target. At 250 yards, using a target
twice as large, not one ball struck home and, “…at 300 yards shot after shot
was fired without one hitting the object aimed at, or its whereabouts being
ascertained.” In still another test, an expert marksman fired twenty rounds
each at targets eighteen feet square at 200 and 300 yards and not a single ball
struck home. An American gun writer in the 1950’s fired ten well-aimed shots at
a man-shaped target at 100 yards and scored only four hits, two of which were
peripheral strikes to the ear and knee.
From the standpoint of the European
professional military establishment, however, it was just not that important
for an individual soldier to take deliberate aim and shoot to kill an
individual enemy soldier. Conventional set-piece battles on the European
Continent involved vast armies with thousands of men in tightly packed,
easily-controlled ranks. Companies and battalions of infantrymen would fire
massed volleys at other closely-formed companies and battalions. Even with
muskets simply pointed in the right direction, sheer volume of fire was
expected to inflict some casualties amidst the enemy ranks. Volume of fire and
speed in reloading was the name of the game. With pre-prepared paper-wrapped
powder and ball “cartridges” and loose-fitting balls dropped down a smoothbore
barrel, the British regular was expected to deliver four shots per minute, or
one every fifteen seconds. The actual accuracy of those shots was a distant
Even used in this intended fashion,
however, smoothbore muskets produced a great many more misses than hits, and
the problem was certainly not restricted solely to the Brown Bess. All European
military smoothbore muskets of the era, whether British, French, Dutch, Spanish
or German, delivered virtually the same poor performance when it came to
accuracy. For instance, a French test involved 720 infantrymen firing at a 3x3
meter target at 100 and 200 meters range; 52 shots hit the 100 meter target and
only 18 struck it at 200 meters.
To scientifically “prove” the value
of musket volley fire, rather than use man-sized targets military experiments
of the period used large cloth targets intended to represent entire formations
of enemy troops. The French Army, for instance, used a target six feet tall and
fifty yards across to represent an enemy infantry company and a target 8-1/2
feet tall by 50 yards wide to represent a cavalry formation. In one such
experiment, at a range of 160 yards two hundred rounds apiece were fired at the
French infantry target using British, Prussian and French muskets. The results
showed a hit rate of 58%, 56%, and 49% respectively. In 1755, two companies of
Prussian Grenadiers fired at a target ten feet tall and 30 feet wide at 150 and
300 yards and scored 46% and 12.5% hits respectively.
Waterloo, 1815: The European way of war.
Of course, such studies counted every single ball that struck
anywhere on the length and breadth of the entire cloth. As any wing-shooter
knows, however, there’s a helluva lot more air than bird when firing a shotgun
at a covey of quail or a flock of ducks. Even with modern shotguns,
“flock-shooting” is generally a waste of time; the gunner still needs to single
out and aim at a specific bird in the flock rather than “sky-busting” at the
flock as a whole.
One British officer
later wrote, “The
inutility of the old musket was shown in a battle during the Kaffir war, where
the British discharged 80,000 cartridges, and the loss of the enemy was 25 men
struck.” A Prussian artillery colonel named Schlimmbach conducted
exhaustive statistical studies of every battle in the Napoleonic Wars and
concluded that, on average, a man’s own body weight in lead had to be fired for
every casualty inflicted by musket fire. French General Gassendi concluded that
at least three thousand musket cartridges had to be fired for every enemy
casualty inflicted while German General von Decker put the minimum number at
ten thousand cartridges. In 1770 the French General Jacques-Antoine-Hippolyte,
Comte de Guibert, wrote that only 0.2% of all small arms fire on the
battlefield hit the target.
Despite early American military use
of the rifle as well as prior adoption of percussion-fired muskets and rifles, at
the time of the 1846-1848 Mexican-American War the vast majority of US Army
infantrymen were still issued flintlock smoothbore muskets. A young Ulysses S.
Grant, serving in that conflict, concluded of this weapon, “At the distance of
a few hundred yards a man might fire at you all day without your finding it
Calibers were large, ranging from
.60-caliber Prussian weapons to the .75-caliber Brown Bess, so when a musket
ball did manage to hit a man at close range the effect was brutal. “They inflicted horrible
wounds. They smashed the bones; they tore out entire muscles from arms or legs;
they stopped a running or charging man immediately. There was a little ridge or
seam along the circumference of the ball which, while it ridged and scratched
the bore of the musket, caused ragged wounds in the body wherever it got home.”
This inaccuracy was all well and fine
up through the Napoleonic War-era because the musket’s fire effect was seen as
secondary; its main role was as a mounting platform for the bayonet. Great
battles were expected to be won, in the end, with the bayonet charge and cold
steel. Major General John Burgoyne said, “The onset of bayonets in the hands of
the valiant is irresistible.” The British Army regular was particularly
well-trained and enjoyed a fierce reputation for his skill with the bayonet.
Many an enemy line was broken by the British bayonet, as Kipling put it,
“…pierced to the heart by the charms of Brown Bess.”
"Pierced to the heart by the charms of Brown Bess."
Fondness for the bayonet was hardly
restricted to Great Britain.
Much ado is made of the fact that the Prussian drill master Baron von Steuben
added the phrase “Take aim” to American Continental Army drill, but he too
greatly preferred and stressed the bayonet. Napoleon said, “The bayonet has
always been the weapon of the brave and the chief tool of victory.” Russian
General Alexander Suvorov was famous for his quote, “The bullet is a fool; the
bayonet is the whole man.” Frederick
the Great’s testament about the “superiority of fire” was meant to apply only
to the artillery; infantry charged with l’arme
Strange as it may seem, despite all
this emphasis on cold steel, the bayonet actually inflicted very few casualties
on the battlefield. Studying what type of wounds soldiers were treated for at
the Invalides of Paris in 1762, French historian André Corvisier discovered that statistically
68.8% of men were wounded by small arms fire, 13.4% by artillery, 14.7% by
cavalry sabers, and only 2.4% by the bayonet. Dominique Jean Larrey, a French
surgeon with Napoleon’s Grand Armée, conducted his own
studies in 1807 and also found only 2% of men were wounded by the bayonet. Even
in one particular battle between French and Russian forces that involved
bayonet charges and considerable hand-to-hand combat, Larrey noted that 119 men
were wounded by musket balls but only 5 from bayoneting.
The bayonet did not win battles by physically
inflicting casualties; it won them by psychologically breaking the enemy’s
resistance. One more than one occasion American militia and riflemen simply broke
and ran rather than stand to take a British or Hessian bayonet charge.
So this was the state of military
affairs in 1775 and helps to explain the significance of the accuracy and range
of the rifle, which had three or even four times the effective range of the
smoothbore musket. At a range where the musket-armed soldier had less than a
50/50 chance of hitting a man, the rifleman could choose which eye to shoot. In
the hands of a marksman, a weapon like the American Long Rifle stood a much
greater chance of hitting a target the size of a man at 300 yards than the
musket did at 100.
Yet the smoothbore musket would
soldier on in professional armies until the mid 1800s. Despite its accuracy,
the rifle did not often fare well in conventional warfare of the period, for a
variety of reasons we’ll examine later.
Great read Bawb!! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteDo you know what percentage of American troops had rifles, if known at all?
Among the New England militia who fought at Lexington, Concord and Breed's Hill there were virtually NO rifles, only muskets and a few fowling pieces.
ReplyDeleteThe riflemen were raised on the frontiers and in the South.