[From our friends at Gun Owners of America:]
Barack Obama is wasting no time poking a sharp stick in the eyes of gun owners.
The incoming President's choice for U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, is an anti-gun extremist who has assailed gun owners since his days in the Bill Clinton administration.
Holder, who served as Deputy Attorney General from 1997-2001, supports a 3-day waiting period for handgun purchases,one-gun-a-month rationing, licensing and registration of all gunowners, mandatory so-called smart gun technology, a lifetime gun ban for certain juvenile offenses and regulating gun shows out o fexistence.
As Janet Reno's top deputy, Eric Holder was the go to guy on gun control issues. In a 1999 statement, Holder told members of Congress not to cave in to "the special interest that value the cold hard steel of guns more than the lives of children, neighbors and police officers," and urged them to pass legislation that would have destroyed the gun show industry.
Gun Owners of America members flooded the Congress with postcards and e-mails and stopped Holder's gun control plan.
In 2000, Holder was instrumental in the Clinton Administration's effort to strong arm firearms manufacturers into voluntarily accepting regulations that had stalled in the Congress.
In a brazen legislation-by-extortion plot, the federal government filed suit against gun makers but offered to drop the suit if the companies would bow to the administration's demands.
Again, GOA and its members took the lead in opposing Holder and the Clinton Administration and slowed down implementation of the agreement until it completely went away when Clinton left office.
One company went along with the deal but after intense pressure from gun owners, no others joined the unholy alliance.
After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, in an op-ed in the Washington Post, Holder pushed for more gun control and greater restrictions on gunshows, even though the terrorists were armed with box cutters that could be purchased at any hardware store.
Just last year, Holder joined Janet Reno and 11 other former Justice Department officials in an amicus brief before the Supreme Court arguing in favor of the gun ban in Washington D.C.
The Holder/Reno brief also took the position that the SecondAmendment protects a collective government right, not an individual right.
GOA and its members have defeated Eric Holder and his agenda in the past, and we need to do it again. The Holder nomination is subject to Senate confirmation in a vote which is set to occur at any time.
Gun Owners of America has asked all members of the U.S. Senate to reject this anti-Second Amendment activist.
Now we're urging gun owners across the country to contact their own Senators and insist that they vote "NO" on Eric Holder.
ACTION: Please use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at http://www.gunowners.org/activism.htm to send your Senators the pre-written e-mail message below.
----- Prewritten Letter -----
Dear Senator:
Barack Obama's selection of Eric Holder for U.S. Attorney General is unacceptable to gun owners. Eric Holder supports a three day waiting period for gun purchases, licensing and registration of all gun owners, driving gun shows into extinction, and much more. I urge you to vote "NO" on the Holder nomination.
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