Monday, January 19, 2009



Oh, it just keeps getting better and better. The Big O got a pass from the Lamestream Media on his life-long associates like Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, crazy racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, and others of their ilk. Now he will be getting a pass on his cabinet and staff picks. And what picks they are.

I can live with Hillary “Miss Congeniality” Clinton as Secretary of State. Heck, I found her to be a more appealing candidate than John McCain, and with more balls. I really wish she was president right now.

Bill Richardson actually seemed like he would have been a decent guy for Commerce Secretary, except he had to bail out due to that pesky problem with the federal grand jury investigation into pay-to-play violations.

Likewise Leon Panetta is probably a nice guy and a good business manager, but even Diane Feinstein thinks he’s unqualified to run the CIA, according to the L.A. Times. “Panetta would be among the few directors in agency history with no experience at one of the nation's spy services.”

Quickly heading towards Freakshow status, we have deliberate long-time tax cheat Timothy Geithner to head up Treasury. This goes so far beyond irony as to be laughable.

Attorney General Eric “Pardon” Holder? A Janet “Torch” Reno's head toady. ‘Nuff said.

Descending quickly into Kooksville, now we have Energy and Climate Change Czar Carol Browner, a member of SOCIALIST INTERNATIONAL, who was charged under the Federal anti-Lobbying Act in 1995, and who believes global warming is “the greatest challenge ever faced.” Carol, quit watching that Owl Gore movie and go read Michael Crichton’s State of Fear then get back to us will you?

Now we have the Mayor of Kooksville, PETA Fruitcake “Regulatory Czar” Cass Sunstein, who supports "outlawing sport hunting, giving animals the legal right to file lawsuits, and using government regulations to phase out meat consumption.” This moonbat’s agenda is so extreme some claim it could, “…spell the end of animal agriculture, retail sales of meat and dairy foods, hunting and fishing, biomedical research, pet ownership, zoos and aquariums, traveling circuses, and countless other things Americans take for granted.”

Where does he find these nutjobs? Well, a "sweeping mandate" of 51% of American voters said they wanted "change". Be careful what you wish for.


  1. nice information , i'm very interest with your article

    i've a lot of article about GLOBAL WARMING..

    come on join with me to fight GLOBAL WARMING..

  2. Why didn't I become a lawyer? If Cass Sunstein gets her way and animals can start suing, there will be lots of money to be made. A class-action lawsuit by horses against the negative images in "Mr. Ed" perhaps?
