Here at BBB we receive a great deal of fan mail, usually starting with, “You dicks!” and ending with, “Go to hell!” Recently, however, we received a sincere plea for help from a young person wishing to learn about government and economics. It is refreshing to encounter a student who actually wants to learn something, as well as to receive a letter consisting of less than 50% profanity. Jimmee is an undergraduate student majoring in Business Management at UNI. Printed below is his letter in its entirety.
dudes,Our young friend Jimmee could obviously use a little help on this subject, among many, many others. We believe the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words is not necessarily true. In Jimmee’s case, it is probably worth at least half a million, maybe more. At any rate, here in one simple picture, is our explanation of how the government’s role in the economy actually works. We hope this helps, Jimmee, and offer the additional advice that you may wish to practice the phrase, “Would you like fries with that?”
my transgendur economik oppreshun finanshal professor sez u are a couple of fashist notzee dooshbags. She sez she cant weight for the goolags to opun so that u will git whut u have cuming too u u kapitalist pigs.
howevur I has a turm paper cuming do and I has two splain how presdent obama’s ekonomik plans will wurk to fix the ekonomy and save the childrun and how it is all Boosh’s fawlt anyway. Can u splain too me in a minimum of 1200 wurds how the government plan is going to werk I need it buy friday.
thank u u fashist kapitalist swines
yers trooly

1 comment:
Very helpful Bawb. My mate Strawman over at Bovination has a multiple choice feedback form that could assist some of these people do their comments.
Keep up the good work in unreeducating the masses.
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