By my count, and I’m sure I missed a few million, leftists created approximately 387 hillion bajillion pictures of Bush as Hitler. Bush as a Chimpanzee was a distant second. We were not a big fan of Bush pissing away our tax dollars, but now we long for the good old days when the president pissed away the equivalent of schoolyard milk money in real people dollars while the current denizen of the Whitehouse pissed (and continues to piss) away the equivalent of Palm Springs, with less to show for the money. Maybe Bush’s economy was a K-Car missing on two cylinders, but Obama’s is more like a heavy stone chiseled into a crude wheel being pushed up a steep grade.
As an aside, Jim and I once discussed how in the hell the loony left could portray Bush as a retarded half chimpanzee who had to have help putting on his pants in the morning on one hand, while portraying him as some kind of Machiavellian evil genius bent on ruling the world on the other. But that's beside the point.
We wouldn’t even still be talking about Bush 43 anymore except for two reasons. (A) Obama and his usual crony suspects are still trying to blame the bad economy on him, despite having had three years and roughly 10.479 trillion dollars in spending to “fix” the Shrub’s screw-ups and (B) While the loony left is still comparing Bush to Hitler, any comparison of Zero the Hero to Hitler is strictly verboten and considered racist, hateful, violent, wicked, terrorist, bigoted, evil, unfair, vicious, immoral, etc., etc., etc.
Not wishing to be offense, here at Das Blog we agree to stop comparing Obama to Hitler. Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini is a more apt comparison. After all, despite being evil Hitler did at least fix the German economy and make the trains run on time, which is much more than Zero has accomplished. So, let’s take a look at why Benito and Barack are comparable. Hell, with Obama’s krummholz family tree, they could be related for all we know. So here we go. Let's see how the two stack up.or
Il Duce v Il Dunce
Vain, melodramatic narcissist who craved adoration and attention
Mussolini: Yes
Obama: Yes
Bankrupted national economy
Mussolini: Yes
Obama: Yes
Army of thugs
Mussolini: Blackshirts
Obama: Purpleshirts
Voter intimidation at the polls
Mussolini: Yes
Obama: Yes
State control of industries
Mussolini: Yes
Obama: Yes
Unsuccessfully tried to fight a depression with public works programs
Mussolini: Yes
Obama: Yes
Public Schools should be for indoctrination before education.
Mussolini: Yes
Obama: Yes
Made his country a laughingstock internationally.
Mussolini: Yes
Obama: Yes
Mussolini: “Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.”
Obama: Pretty much the same
Knew how many states/provinces in his own country
Mussolini: Yes
Obama: No
Knew what language is spoken in Austria
Mussolini: Yes
Obama: No
Stance on Islam
Obama: "Islam has always been part of America.""These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings."
Mussolini: No
Obama: Yes
Bowed to foreign leaders
Mussolini: No
Obama: Yes
Mussolini: Yes
Obama: No
Incompetent buffoon as military leader
Mussolini: Yes
Obama: Yes

So, there we have it folks. I don't know about you, but I think this one is just too close to call.
We never did get around to solving that idiot/evil genius thing. Looking at some of the stuff coming from our leading intellectuals though, it appears that one of the qualifications for that status is the ability to hold two completely contradictory views without getting confused.
I totally agree with the premise of your post. That said, you may find this interesting...
"Who Am I??? Try to guess who I am."
(Hint: Try not to sneak a peak at the bottom.)
Thanks, Joe. I had seen that one before but don't know if the rest of the gang around here has.
It's really scary how history repeats itself. There's a lot of parallels between where we sit now and the fall of the Roman Empire, too. Bread & Circuses. Couple all that with a dumbed-down (and getting dumber) citizenry and a state propaganda ministry masquerading as a "free press" and I have to wonder when, not if, the implosion will come.
It's hard to discuss history with the upcoming generation when they never learned it in school and think they get "all they need to know" from 5-second soundbites and a catchy, meaningless slogan. "Hope 'n' Change!" "Yes we can!" "Sieg Heil!"
I pray for our country's welfare he doesn't get back in...but if he does will he continue to blame Bush? Or go back to blame the old man Bush? He can't blame Clinton since he has Hilary in, he might put himself in the spotlight, and good ole boy Bill has been scratching his back to keep Hilary a job at the top! As much as I believe in voting, keeping our country with the best, it Makes Me Sick! To see what happens when people get to the top and how the all have to play the games to get what they want done! But We All better Wakw Up and stop believing the crap we hear on tv and radio!
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