Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Following the Swiss Example

- Foreign Policy: Strictly neutral, Switzerland has no need to hemorrhage blood and treasure into foreign lands. Don't get the idea that they're isolationist though. The Swiss have lead the way in international charity (ever hear of the Red Cross?), humanitarian work, and as a neutral arbitrator between warring countries. Also, don't let this fool you into believing the Swiss are pushovers. They may not fight you in your country, but they'll damned sure fight you in theirs. Even Nazi Germany shied away from invading this hornet's nest.
- Right to Keep and Bear Arms: Part of the reason they weren't invaded is because the Swiss people are armed to the teeth. Gun rights supporters like to point out that even automatic weapons are kept at home and yet Switzerland has some of the lowest crime rates in Europe.
All in all, Switzerland is an island of classical liberalism (the good kind of liberalism) in a European sea of socialist pussies. Let's hope that that sea never rises to Swiss peaks.
April Fool's Day Joke Suggestions
Only two days until April Fool's Day. If you're out of ideas for practical jokes, here's a few suggestions:
- Try on clothes at Wal-Mart. When you leave the changing booth, politely inform the attendant that it is out of toilet paper.
- Call the McCain campaign and say that you're a conservative and you're very excited about supporting him.
- Egg a henhouse. Observe to see if the irony is lost on the chickens.
- Call your local convenience store and ask if they have Prince Albert in a can. If they say no, threaten to firebomb the building.
- Schedule a visit with a military recruiter. Show up wearing a turban and white robes, then skip in the door holding hands with a same-sex friend. (Warning: This joke may backfire and they might sign you up.)
If you have any suggestions, post them below.
Time to Listen to Ron Paul?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

If that's not enough for you, here's an oldie but a goodie, the DEA's "Mr. Gun Safety Guy" showing students how to shoot one's own foot. "I'm the only one here professional enough to handle the Glock...BANG!"
Fiery Montana Democratic Governor Brian Schweitzer calls the mandatory, Orwellian edict from the Feds, among other things, a "hare-brained scheme" and a "Faustian bargain"...that's a "deal with the Devil" to those of you in Rio Lindo. Freshman Democratic Senator John Tester refered to Real ID as a "Beltway blunder" and senior Democratic Senator Max Baucus applauded state officials for their resistance and called the deadline threatened by Fedgov "arbitrary and ineffective." Only REPUBLICAN Representative Denny Rehberg has caved to the Feds and is bleating for Montana to surrender to Big Brother.
Montana's plan of action? Basically, we're just going to ignore Big Brother and his odious power grabs. To quote Schweitzer again, "...we've found it best just to tell them to go to hell, and run your state the way you want to run your state."
So Homeland Security continues to bully United States citizens and individual states, while standing on the sunken grave of the Tenth Amendment, all in the name of "security". If the evil clowns out in Sodom on Potomac actually wanted to do SOMETHING that might in some way actually secure us against terrorism, all they need to do is look to the south. Border Patrol statistics have shown that it's not just Mexicans sneaking into the United States these days; a significant and rapidly growing portion of border crossers are (surprise!) Islamic males of Middle-Eastern descent. Hmmm. Now what possible reason could they have to enter the country illegally?
When questioned about this, Homeland Security Deputy Unterofficer Adolph Stalin replied, "Actung! Silence! How dare you question our authority?!?!? Vere are your papers? I vill beat you mit my truncheon, schweinhund! Just vait until ve haff das gulags built."

Monday, March 17, 2008
Armed For Liberty
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Gun Nut Roundup
U.S. Congressman and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has introduced three bills in the U.S. House of Representatives that target various disarmed victim zones (a.k.a "gun free zones") created by the federal government.
HR-2424, the "Citizens Protection Act," would repeal the dumb law that bans possession of a firearm in school zones. "The Gun-Free School Zones Act" was passed in 1990 and every famous school shooting you can think of has happened after it was in effect. Despite the ban, at least three famous school shootings (off the top of my head) have been stopped by armed civilians confronting the gunman. (That part of the stories never "grew legs" with the national media. Go figure.) The Supreme Court ruled the Gun-Free School Zones Act unconstitutional, so Congress reworded it and reinstated the same damned thing again later. HR-2424 would squash it again.
HR-1897, the "Nat'l Park 2nd Amendment Restoration and Personal Protection Act," would get rid of the ban on firearms in national parks. Instead, the gun laws of the state where the park is located would be enforced. This is how it is on Forest Service land and has never been a problem. Bawb may be able to speak with more authority on this topic, since he's a denizen of "grizzly country," with lots of federal land and knows how dumb it is to have to ditch your gun because you just stepped across an invisible line in the forest.
Finally, HR-3305, the "Anti-Terrorism Act," would allow specially-trained airline pilots, copilots, navigators or law enforcement personnel, specifically detailed for protection of an aircraft, to carry a firearm. While an armed pilots program was implemented by Congress after 9-11, the Bush administration allowed a left-over bureaucrat from the Clinton Administration to sandbag the program. HR-3305 would allow the airlines to decide who can protect their planes, although numerous other state and federal laws would still be in effect.
Gun owners (and any surviving fiscal conservatives out there) NEED guys like Ron Paul in Congress, if not the Whitehouse. Whether you live in his Texas district or not, let's do what we can to support his re-election to the U.S. House. His presidential campaign site is to the left, in the "Important Links" section.
Mark March 18 on your calenders, gun nuts! That's when the Supremes will hear oral arguments in the DC vs. Heller case, which may decide the fate of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
Most of you probably know that outgoing President Bush decided to wave his naughty parts in the face of America's gun owners one (hopefully) last time by filing a brief with the Supreme Court that, essentially, threw the Second Amendment under the bus. Robert D. Novak wrote a good article detailing the goings-on and analysing the Bush administrations possible political "strategery" for allowing its Solicitor General to file the anti-Second Amendment brief. My own thoughtful and reasoned analysis is: Bush allowed it, so up his!
Bush has been a lackluster friend to American gun owners from the start. Even the official view of Bush's Attorney General John Ashcroft, that the Second protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, which was lauded by gun rights supporters, was not radically different than the Clinton administration's interpretation:
Clinton Administrations Interpretation-
1. The 2nd Amendment protects a collective right of states to arm their militias.
2. Therefore, state and federal government can restrict civilian gun ownership any way they see fit.
3. So, ha ha ha!
Bush Administrations Interpretation-
1. The 2nd Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms.
2. But, state and federal government can restrict that right in any way they see fit.
3. So, ha ha ha!
The only bright spot in this story is that Vice President and noted shotgun marksman Dick Cheney proceeded to wave his naughty parts in Bush's face by signing a pro-Second Amendment amicus (friend of the court) brief in the case, along with 55 Senators and 250 Representatives. Also 31 states, numerous military officers, and more scholars than you can shake a stick at have also filed similar pro-individual rights briefs with the court, defending the Second Amendment.
A good bill seeking to provide uniformity to Iowa's concealed weapons permit system has changed its nomenclature. Formerly called HF 2092, the newly amended bill is now called HF 2613. (You can read Ben's brilliant analysis of the bill here.) It has cleared committee and expects a House vote on the bill during the week of March 17-20. If it passes the House this week it will go on to the Senate. If you write your Iowa reps to support the bill, remember it's now called HF 2613.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Iowa Weapons Bill Clears 1st Hurdle
Among the survivors of this winnowing process is HF 2092, the bill seeking to provide uniformity to Iowa's concealed weapons permit system. [I wrote about this bill previously.] Passing the committee by an impressive 18 to 3 majority, reports that the bill will probably be voted on by the full membership of the House within the next two weeks.
Iowans who care about this issue are encouraged to contact their state representative and urge them to support House File 2092. Click here to find your Iowa representative. Snail mail can be addressed:
The House switchboard number is 515-281-3221, where you can leave a short message for your rep. Be sure to give your name and address, so they know that you live and vote in their district.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
McCain-[Your Name Here]

"I uh, used to think that a Republican senator would try to stand in the way of my socialist agenda. Not anymore! I like John McCain better than a stiff belt of scotch and broad with big, buoyant boobies. I look forward to hyphenating my name with him again in the future."
Senator Russ Feingold (McCain-Feingold Incumbent Protection Act 2002):
"Me and McCain work great together. I have a new common sense gun-safety bill, which would require gun owners to have their tongues cut out and be sodomized with broom handles. I think McCain's name would look spiffy in the title."
Senator Joe Lieberman ( McCain-Lieberman Hot Air Bill 2003):
"Suah, the consoyvatives might think he's a meshuggener, but Senator McCain has chutzpah! My plan to hamstring the U.S. economy in the name of global warming would have gone nowhere without him. Thank you Senator McCain!"