Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thanks to Jim over at the Real World Libertarian for unearthing this gem by Mark Landsbaum. It would seem that, despite the Goracle’s pronouncements in glitzy crockumentaries and an American press with their blatant "see-no-liberal-evil, hear-no-liberal-evil, speak-no-liberal- evil" censorship, word is starting to leak out everywhere around the snow-swept globe that global warming is such a farce tweaked, fudged, and downright made-up “statistics” are needed to support the theory. Hopefully, the foreign press and the Internet will provide an end-run around the American Ministry of Truth, er, I mean our intrepid “journalists.”
Al "The Goracle" Gore and Barack “The Science is Sound” Obama (the reasons you now get Nobel Prizes given away free in boxes of cereal) and their minions are starting to scramble like cockroaches when the light goes on. I think they hope that either (a) with the help of state-run media and state-run "science" (see Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged) they can keep this thing alive or (b) they can get all the money and power possible out of the scam before it all goes tits up. Either way, throw another log on the fire and keep spreading the word that global warming ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Check out the long list of climate-gate lies below, detailed in the article HERE. Kyoto this, Algore!
ClimateGate, the original
PachauriGate II
SternGate II
Russia-Gate II
More coming soon. You bet your butt there's more coming soon.
Friday, February 26, 2010
We certainly live in interesting times, ladies and gentlemen. I don't know exactly what they're trying to say, but it's kinda creepy. First we had the whole Obamacare/Nazi eagle thing.

Now these United States' Missile Command has changed its logo to basically the same as the Obama logo.

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Report On The Winter Olympics
I haven’t had much interest in the Olympics until recently. The Olympics seemed more important back in the Cold War when we had to beat the Ruskies. After not watching the last few Olympics, I’ve been watching the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver and have actually found myself enjoying it.
I didn’t really care for the opening ceremony, especially the “cultural” ceremonies. I figure everything I need to know about Canadian culture I already learned from Bob and Doug McKenzie. The ceremony was pretty heavy on Indian culture too. I don’t care about the culture of American Indians, much less Canadian ones. (Both groups are pretty much the same, except one is legally obliged to send smoke signals in two languages.)
The other day I was watching the biathlon, which involves athletes cross-country skiing to various shooting ranges where they must shoot rifles at targets. Back in 1950’s they fired service rifle calibers like .30-06 and .308 out to 250 meters, but as more and more Europeans (and many Americans) became mewling socialist pussies they had to drop that down to .22 rimfires at 50 meters.
The great thing about watching the Olympics is that you never know when you may see history in the making. When I was watching the biathlon, for instance, when the shooting started, the French biathlete immediately set a new world record for distance of a rifle thrown into underbrush, followed quickly by two new cross-country speed records (with and without skis). Of course, the judges won’t be able to give him an official time until he actually stops running. He was last seen running east along Alberta Provincial Highway 3. If anyone spots him please contact the RCMP.
Much to the surprise of Bawb and me, there are actually sports that don’t even involve firearms. (When did this happen?!) One example of such a gunless event is the “sport” of curling. In this game, one dude shoves a heavy weight (called a “stone“) across some ice (called the “curling sheet“), then two idiots run along sweeping in front of the stone with special brooms (called “brooms“). When I tried to explain this game to my wife she thought I was either pulling her leg or I was back on the sauce.
Other no-firearm events include figure skating (more commonly referred to as “that gay crap”), skiing and snowboarding, the bawbsled and the loogie, and speed skating. [Message to the Olympic committee: Please note that ALL of these events would be much more exciting WITH firearms. Like one-time I saw 007 get chased down a bawbsled run by a bad guy on a motorcycle with machine-guns on it. That was awesome! Change the rules or my brother and I will come there to Mt. Olympus and kick your ass.]
So now, as the 2010 Winter Olympics near their end, we can contemplate the significance of this gathering of many nations as both competitors and as friends, a global brotherhood of man, competing against each other peacefully. Whether or not you were infected with “Olympic fever” (officially H7C3), it appears that the Vancouver Games will be one for the history books, setting many new records, including number of spectators eaten by sasquatch.
I didn’t really care for the opening ceremony, especially the “cultural” ceremonies. I figure everything I need to know about Canadian culture I already learned from Bob and Doug McKenzie. The ceremony was pretty heavy on Indian culture too. I don’t care about the culture of American Indians, much less Canadian ones. (Both groups are pretty much the same, except one is legally obliged to send smoke signals in two languages.)
The other day I was watching the biathlon, which involves athletes cross-country skiing to various shooting ranges where they must shoot rifles at targets. Back in 1950’s they fired service rifle calibers like .30-06 and .308 out to 250 meters, but as more and more Europeans (and many Americans) became mewling socialist pussies they had to drop that down to .22 rimfires at 50 meters.
The great thing about watching the Olympics is that you never know when you may see history in the making. When I was watching the biathlon, for instance, when the shooting started, the French biathlete immediately set a new world record for distance of a rifle thrown into underbrush, followed quickly by two new cross-country speed records (with and without skis). Of course, the judges won’t be able to give him an official time until he actually stops running. He was last seen running east along Alberta Provincial Highway 3. If anyone spots him please contact the RCMP.
Much to the surprise of Bawb and me, there are actually sports that don’t even involve firearms. (When did this happen?!) One example of such a gunless event is the “sport” of curling. In this game, one dude shoves a heavy weight (called a “stone“) across some ice (called the “curling sheet“), then two idiots run along sweeping in front of the stone with special brooms (called “brooms“). When I tried to explain this game to my wife she thought I was either pulling her leg or I was back on the sauce.
Other no-firearm events include figure skating (more commonly referred to as “that gay crap”), skiing and snowboarding, the bawbsled and the loogie, and speed skating. [Message to the Olympic committee: Please note that ALL of these events would be much more exciting WITH firearms. Like one-time I saw 007 get chased down a bawbsled run by a bad guy on a motorcycle with machine-guns on it. That was awesome! Change the rules or my brother and I will come there to Mt. Olympus and kick your ass.]
So now, as the 2010 Winter Olympics near their end, we can contemplate the significance of this gathering of many nations as both competitors and as friends, a global brotherhood of man, competing against each other peacefully. Whether or not you were infected with “Olympic fever” (officially H7C3), it appears that the Vancouver Games will be one for the history books, setting many new records, including number of spectators eaten by sasquatch.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
If there's any 5.56mm fans I have failed to offend, I apologize. I'm not a small arms designer, not do I play one on TV, and I did not sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night. And, as I pointed out last time, Desert Storm was decidedly not a rifleman's war. But it's our blog, so bite a big one.
Since we've established beyond a doubt by now what caliber(s) I don't like and those that I do, I thought we could examine the possibilities of other calibers which might have been or may be. Such rifle calibers perhaps could have pleased most of us, thus stopping the endless 7.62mm vs 5.56mm debate so we can get on with the .45 vs. 9mm cat fight.
Politics is always more important than performance when it comes to U.S. military weapons. And, as military weapons go, infantry small arms are so far down to scale as to be an after thought. Admirals and Air Force generals would laugh and ask, “We’re still using those pea-shooters?” I mean, who’s gonna give a retiring Pentagon Perfumed Prince a six-figure “consultant” job? The corporation that got a 78 hillion-jillion dollar contract making smart bombs or stealth aircraft, or the one that produces rifle ammunition?
As much as I like the .30-06 and the .308, in an alternate world the former might not have lasted much after WWI and the latter might not have been birthed at all. Then again, the 5.56mm probably wouldn’t have been born either.
Prior to World War Two, weapons designers in these United States were working on what technically could have been called an intermediate round long before the German sturmgewehr or the Commie AK47. The .276 Pedersen (7x51mm) fired either a 125-grain bullet at 2550 feet per second or a 140-grainer at 2400 fps. This was intended to give these United States' military a “universal” caliber for shoulder-fired small arms to bridge the big gap from the pistol to the heavy machine gun. Instead, our logistics system included the .45 ACP (SMG's), the .30-carbine, and the .30-06.
Since we’ve been talking long-range performance in the mountains of Afghanistan…the good old .30-06 M2 service load, at 600 yards, is still traveling just under 1500 feet per second, packs 731 foot-pounds of energy, and has dropped 75-inches from a 300-yard zero. The .276 at the same range, roughly calculated, would be traveling around 1400 fps, have just under 600 ft-lbs, and have only 6o inches of drop with the same 300-yard zero.
The discussion is irrelevant. As I said earlier, infantry small arms are low man on the totem pole, especially when it comes to spending tax money. General Douglas “Dugout Doug” MacArthur canceled the project because we had tons of WWI-vintage .30-06 ammo to shoot up. Thankfully, John Cassius Garand had originally designed his rifle around the .30-06. He took it from a ten-shot .276 to an 8-shot .30-06 and gave us the “finest battle implement ever devised”.
After World War Two the concept popped up again, with the British tweaking two different universal 7mm loads. The one they decided on as the best was the .280 British, 7x43mm, firing bullets in the 130-140-grain range at around 2,500 fps. The .280 had half the recoil of the .303 British and actually out-performed it at long ranges, deemed accurate out to 800 meters. They even had a revolutionary ahead-of-its-time lightweight bullpup rifle for it, the EM-2. The British naively suggested this as the new NATO standard rifle cartridge. Others, such as the Belgians and Canadians wanted it too, but these United States balked and wouldn’t adopt no “furriner’s” caliber. We then bullied everyone else in NATO into adopting the 7.62x51mm NATO/ .308. That happened to turn out pretty well too, with the FAL, G3, M14, GPMG, MG3, etc. (Notice I do not include the awful M60 in the list).
Actually, the British .280 could be adopted as-was nowadays. What we’re playing with is going in the direction the Scandinavians discovered at the turn of the last century in the 6.5x55mm Swedish. Tests showed the 7mm to be deadlier and the 6.5mm to be the most accurate. The 6.8mm Remington SPC (Special Purpose Cartridge) was developed by the Special Operations boys as the best of both worlds, splitting the difference between the two. They have not been real happy with the 5.56mm’s performance either.

The 6.8 fires a 115-bullet at 2600 fps, and the 6.5 a 120-grain at 2600. Both of the candidates bitch-slap the 5.56mm in just about every category. In addition to being incredibly accurate, (sub-MOA groups out to 600 yards from test rifles) the 6.5 Grendel actually catches the .308 at about 600 yards and outperforms it energy-wise from there on out. The 6.8 is supposedly easier to adapt to the AR/M16 platform. Which one is the best? I don’t know. I would lean towards the 6.5. I haven’t fired either one nor closely watched the functional issues in regards to their successful or unsuccessful use in AR-types weapons (you'll have to pry one into my cold dead hands), ‘cause the Pentagon wonks obviously aren’t going to adopt a whole new weapon. We’ll be lucky if we get a new caliber.
Forget about the 7mm; that’s right out. Unlike the other two contenders, it can’t be made to fit into the AR/M16 platform regarding magazines and receiver length, so money and politics hold trump again. This frugality on the part of big government drones and hacks so they can spend money on big shiny toys militarily and piss away trillions domestically actually, as usual, backfires on them and winds up wasting a hecku of a lot more money than just adopting new small arms would.
In Afghanistan, American forces are dropping $70,000 JDAM bombs and the British Tommies are firing $100,000 Javelin anti-tank guided missiles to achieve kills on the Taliban opposition, sometimes even individual kills, because they can't reach them with a 25-cent small arms round.
Lacking guided missiles myself, I guess I’ll have to stick with the FN-FAL and the SUIT scope to regain the infantryman’s hale half kilometer.
Since we've established beyond a doubt by now what caliber(s) I don't like and those that I do, I thought we could examine the possibilities of other calibers which might have been or may be. Such rifle calibers perhaps could have pleased most of us, thus stopping the endless 7.62mm vs 5.56mm debate so we can get on with the .45 vs. 9mm cat fight.
Politics is always more important than performance when it comes to U.S. military weapons. And, as military weapons go, infantry small arms are so far down to scale as to be an after thought. Admirals and Air Force generals would laugh and ask, “We’re still using those pea-shooters?” I mean, who’s gonna give a retiring Pentagon Perfumed Prince a six-figure “consultant” job? The corporation that got a 78 hillion-jillion dollar contract making smart bombs or stealth aircraft, or the one that produces rifle ammunition?
As much as I like the .30-06 and the .308, in an alternate world the former might not have lasted much after WWI and the latter might not have been birthed at all. Then again, the 5.56mm probably wouldn’t have been born either.
Prior to World War Two, weapons designers in these United States were working on what technically could have been called an intermediate round long before the German sturmgewehr or the Commie AK47. The .276 Pedersen (7x51mm) fired either a 125-grain bullet at 2550 feet per second or a 140-grainer at 2400 fps. This was intended to give these United States' military a “universal” caliber for shoulder-fired small arms to bridge the big gap from the pistol to the heavy machine gun. Instead, our logistics system included the .45 ACP (SMG's), the .30-carbine, and the .30-06.
Since we’ve been talking long-range performance in the mountains of Afghanistan…the good old .30-06 M2 service load, at 600 yards, is still traveling just under 1500 feet per second, packs 731 foot-pounds of energy, and has dropped 75-inches from a 300-yard zero. The .276 at the same range, roughly calculated, would be traveling around 1400 fps, have just under 600 ft-lbs, and have only 6o inches of drop with the same 300-yard zero.
The discussion is irrelevant. As I said earlier, infantry small arms are low man on the totem pole, especially when it comes to spending tax money. General Douglas “Dugout Doug” MacArthur canceled the project because we had tons of WWI-vintage .30-06 ammo to shoot up. Thankfully, John Cassius Garand had originally designed his rifle around the .30-06. He took it from a ten-shot .276 to an 8-shot .30-06 and gave us the “finest battle implement ever devised”.
After World War Two the concept popped up again, with the British tweaking two different universal 7mm loads. The one they decided on as the best was the .280 British, 7x43mm, firing bullets in the 130-140-grain range at around 2,500 fps. The .280 had half the recoil of the .303 British and actually out-performed it at long ranges, deemed accurate out to 800 meters. They even had a revolutionary ahead-of-its-time lightweight bullpup rifle for it, the EM-2. The British naively suggested this as the new NATO standard rifle cartridge. Others, such as the Belgians and Canadians wanted it too, but these United States balked and wouldn’t adopt no “furriner’s” caliber. We then bullied everyone else in NATO into adopting the 7.62x51mm NATO/ .308. That happened to turn out pretty well too, with the FAL, G3, M14, GPMG, MG3, etc. (Notice I do not include the awful M60 in the list).
Actually, the British .280 could be adopted as-was nowadays. What we’re playing with is going in the direction the Scandinavians discovered at the turn of the last century in the 6.5x55mm Swedish. Tests showed the 7mm to be deadlier and the 6.5mm to be the most accurate. The 6.8mm Remington SPC (Special Purpose Cartridge) was developed by the Special Operations boys as the best of both worlds, splitting the difference between the two. They have not been real happy with the 5.56mm’s performance either.

The 6.8 fires a 115-bullet at 2600 fps, and the 6.5 a 120-grain at 2600. Both of the candidates bitch-slap the 5.56mm in just about every category. In addition to being incredibly accurate, (sub-MOA groups out to 600 yards from test rifles) the 6.5 Grendel actually catches the .308 at about 600 yards and outperforms it energy-wise from there on out. The 6.8 is supposedly easier to adapt to the AR/M16 platform. Which one is the best? I don’t know. I would lean towards the 6.5. I haven’t fired either one nor closely watched the functional issues in regards to their successful or unsuccessful use in AR-types weapons (you'll have to pry one into my cold dead hands), ‘cause the Pentagon wonks obviously aren’t going to adopt a whole new weapon. We’ll be lucky if we get a new caliber.
Forget about the 7mm; that’s right out. Unlike the other two contenders, it can’t be made to fit into the AR/M16 platform regarding magazines and receiver length, so money and politics hold trump again. This frugality on the part of big government drones and hacks so they can spend money on big shiny toys militarily and piss away trillions domestically actually, as usual, backfires on them and winds up wasting a hecku of a lot more money than just adopting new small arms would.
In Afghanistan, American forces are dropping $70,000 JDAM bombs and the British Tommies are firing $100,000 Javelin anti-tank guided missiles to achieve kills on the Taliban opposition, sometimes even individual kills, because they can't reach them with a 25-cent small arms round.
Lacking guided missiles myself, I guess I’ll have to stick with the FN-FAL and the SUIT scope to regain the infantryman’s hale half kilometer.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
NEWS ITEM, NAVY TIMES: Corps to use more lethal ammo in Afghanistan
Well, it would appear that’s it’s time to tick everyone off again and beat my favorite dead horse, the beloved 5.56x45mm service round. The 5.56mm was developed from the .223 Remington, which was intended to shoot varmints, from prairie dogs up to fox and coyote. Thus, due to it purpose of slaying canines, detractors (such as myself) refer to it as the “Poodle Shooter”. The original military round was the M193 55-grain FMJ, launched at a muzzle velocity of 3,250 feet per second. Sometimes, inside of 200 yards, the bullet would yaw violently when it hit a human target, then break apart at the cannelure inside the body, causing devastating wounds. Then again, sometimes it wouldn’t.
As Col. Harold G. Moore of We Were Soldiers fame noted of the effects of the 5.56mm on enemy soldiers in his AAR of the Ia Drang fight: "Even after being hit several times in the chest, many continued firing and moving for several more steps before dropping dead."
Col. John Hayworth recounted: “In one fire—fight, I saw my RTO place three rounds [of 5.56 mm] in the chest of a charging NVA regular at 50 yards. He kept firing his AK and never slowed down. At 30 yards, I hit him with a blast of double ought buck. It picked him up off his feet and he didn't get up again.”
The U.S. then bullied the rest of NATO into adopting the 5.56mm, just as we had the 7.62x51mm (.308). The latter turned out pretty well with the FN FAL, G3/CETME, and the M14, (even though at the time the British had already developed a kick-ass 7mm/.280 round with about the same performance as the new 6.5 and 6.8 rounds Spec Ops are looking at to replace the 5.56mm). But I digress.
It only took the brass hats and their deep-pocketed defense contractor pals three decades to admit that the old M193 55-grain bullet of Vietnam vintage wasn’t really worth a crap. Not to worry, they said. They brought in the new & improved super-secret choco-fudgie whack-o-matic M855 62-grain service load, actually the Belgian SS109, which is what everybody else calls it. This little varmint, the famous “green tip” ammo, features a 10-grain .182-caliber tungsten penetrator core down inside the bullet so that it can zip right through enemy body armor, which you really see lots of in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Seriously, it can penetrate the standard NATO 3.45mm steel plate up to a range of 640 meters (704 yds) and one side of the old U. S. steel helmet up to a range of 1,300 meters (1430 yds).
Unfortunately, at 19 meters, the average urban warfare engagement range, it still can’t penetrate a hollow cinder block or a brick wall. If your enemies run around in the open at 700 yards hiding behind steel plates, you’re in business. If they hide behind something rare like, say, the wall of a house, you’re SOL. Then it had to be taken into account that the heavier, longer bullet launched from tighter rifling was much more stable in fight than the 55-grainer, thus losing a lot of that famous, devastating yaw, which was about the only thing the cartridge had going for it in the first place. Whatever else the M855 might be, it ain’t a real good fight stopper.
The best description of how this works comes from Mark Bowden’s must-read classic Black Hawk Down. This was how Delta operator SFC Paul Howe saw the M855 perform in Mogadishu:
“He was an expert marksman, and thought he had hit them, but he couldn’t tell for sure because they kept running until they crossed the street and were out of view. It bugged him. His weapon was the most sophisticated infantry rifle in the world, a customized CAR-15, and he was shooting the army’s new 5.56mm green-tip round. The green tip had a tungsten carbide penetrator at the tip, and would punch holes in metal, but that very penetrating power meant his rounds were passing right through his targets. When the Sammies were close enough he could see when hit them. Their shirts would lift up at the point of impact, as if someone had pinched and plucked up the fabric. But with the green tip round it was like sticking somebody with an ice pick. The bullet made a small, clean hole, and unless it happened to hit the heart or spine, it wasn’t enough to stop a man in his tracks. Howe felt like he had to hit a guy five or six times just to get his attention."
Desert Storm was anything but an infantryman’s war, but there were some small arms engagements. According to Marine Maj. Howard Feldmeier, USMC (Ret.) : “ . . . several Marines commented that they had to shoot Iraqi soldiers 2—3 or more times with the 62—grain 5.56mm green tip ammo before they stopped firing back at them…”'
Then came Gulf War II, in Iraq and Afghanistan, for who knows how long, with plenty of action for the PBI (Poor Bloody Infantry). The same old sad story started cropping up again.
"The current-issue 62gr 5.56mm (223) round, especially when fired from the short-barreled, M-4 carbine, is proving itself (once again) to be woefully inadequate as man stopper. Engagements at all ranges are requiring multiple, solid hits to permanently bring down enemy soldiers. Penetration is also sadly deficient. Even light barriers are not perforated by this rifle/cartridge combination.”
"During engagements of less than 100 meters, [enemies] shot multiple times in the torso with 5.56 seemed to continue to function for a long period of time…" "Head shots seemed to be the only way to kill someone quickly with the Green-Tip bullet.”
“Soldiers asked for a weapon with a larger round. “So it will drop a man with one shot.''
“…the 5.56 mm round will not put a man to the ground with two shots to the chest.”
“…during a fierce exchange of gunfire, one insurgent was hit seven — count ‘em, seven — times in the torso by the 5.56, only to be brought down by a single shot to the head from a .45 caliber pistol. But before the insurgent died, he killed two U.S. soldiers and wounded seven.”
To top it off there’s a story in a 2006 issue of Marine Corps Times magazine where a squad leader admitted his Marines carried and used "found" enemy AK-47s because their 7.62 bullets packed "more stopping power."
Not to worry! The Army Pentagon boys had some flunkies with vested interest in the results conduct some tests and found that the M855 is just fine and dandy. (USMC and Navy reports read a little different, “does not meet USMC performance requirements”, but what the hell do they know?) All troops have to do, some Pentagon wonk who has probably never even fired a rifle said, is forget about that silly quaint old notion of a fast shot to center mass. Instead one should deliberately aim just a little bit higher on the torso during close range engagements and give the insurgent a “double tap” to the upper chest, which increases lethality by 10-20% according to the public information officer. If that doesn’t work, they advise, just give him a headshot next. Hopefully, during all this time, your opponent will have the good manners not to shoot you while he’s waiting. Plus, isn’t admitting you need multiple carefully-placed rounds to vital areas to put your man now the same as admitting the bloody bullets don’t work. Not if you’re a Pentagon spokesperson type.
Something else the M855 and the “heavy barrel” M16A2 were supposed to do was increase long-range performance of the 5.56mm. Afghanistan has proved to be a pretty good test ground for the whole long-range performance thing. A British Ministry of Defense report noted that over half of the firefights their troops have been in were between 300-900 meters. One U.S. Army commander put the average engagement range for his troops at 500 meters. Another American source agreed that over half of the engagements are in excess of 300 meters.
From the MOD report:
"The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2002 onwards represent the first sustained combat use of current NATO standard 5.56 mm ammunition since it was approved in 1980. Official and anecdotal reports provided by British, American, German and other NATO allies have all surfaced the same common complaints suggesting that issues fall into four categories as follows:
• Ineffectiveness at long range
• Inconsistent wounding effect
• Poor intermediate barrier penetration
• Ease of deflection
In the open and undulating countryside of Afghanistan, Taliban forces frequently engage ISAF units at distances beyond 300 metres. Using Russian made sniper rifles and machine guns firing high-powered 7.62 mm ammunition (equivalent in performance to the 7.62 mm NATO), the enemy can engage allied forces at ranges of up to 900 metre. Equipped with SA80 weapons firing 5.56 mm ammunition, British troops are unable to return fire because the effectiveness of small calibre 5.56 mm rounds diminishes rapidly at ranges beyond 300 metres; even the long-barrelled L86 [British SAW] light support weapon is ineffective beyond 400 metres."
Yeah but…yeah but…yeah but 5.56mm rounds are smaller, so soldiers can carry a lot more of them, and the various models of M16-series fire bursts or full-auto, so the men can spray ‘n’ pray a whole lot of un-aimed rounds downrange and just suppress the living hell out of the enemy. Well, not according to a British Royal Marine veteran of Afghanistan: “The Taliban ignore 5.56 mm, are worried by 7.62 mm and fear 12.7 mm rounds.”So, after another 3 decades, even the all high mucky mucks are finally getting ready to admit that maybe…just maybe…the M855 5.56mm ain’t all it’s cracked up to be either.
Now welcome (let’s give ‘im a big hand, ladies and gentlemen) the spiffy new non-performer of the next 3 decades. The Spec Ops boys, (who would prefer to go to a whole new performing cartridge such as the Remington 6.8 or the 6.5 Grendel), have attempted to increase the 5.56mm’s performance…again…with the SOST MK318 MOD 0 62-grain load. The Marines have already adopted it as their new standard round, after waiting for the Pentagon lawyers to finally declare it legal for use under the Hague Convention. Apparently it does work better than the M855 (a dubious accomplishment), and the Marines are always more interested in killing the enemy than the Army ever will be. The Army, meanwhile, tried to create an “eco-friendly” round (I kid you not…this was real!) which of course failed miserably.
Spokesmen say the new SOST round is “more lethal”. Are we to assume, then, that it will make people “more dead”?
Anyway, the Taliban also figured out that the 5.56 performs poorly at longer ranges. Rather than attempt to develop new loads, they just went old school and returned to shooting large caliber weapons at ranges far enough away that they didn’t have much to worry about in the way of return small arms fire.
The Afghans have always been fond of the old bolt-action .303 British Lee-Enfield, which launches a 174-grain bullet at 2,500 feet per second. During the Soviet-Afghan War, Mujahideen Commander Qazi Guljan Tayeb opined that he much preferred them to the captured AK-47s.

“These Enfields were quite effective against dismounted Soviets. They had a maximum effective range of 800 meters compared to 400 meters for the AK assault rifle. Further, the more-powerful .303 round would penetrate Soviet flak jackets while the AK round would not.”
Then there’s the 7.62x54Rimmed Russian round. Journalists, and even some senior Army NCO’s teaching threat weapon classes, think the Dragunov, the M60, and the AK47 all fire the same “Seben six two mike-mike round”. That just ain’t so. The 7.62x54 Rimmed is an old pre-revolution Russian cartridge from 1891, firing either a 185-grain heavy ball bullet at 2,700 fps or a 149-grain light ball at 2,850 fps. The long boattail bullets also have a high ballistic coefficient (google it) which contributes to good performance and longer range. At a thousand yards it’s still striking with more power than a .357 Magnum pistol. There are also armor piercing, incendiary, and tracer loads.
One can just about guess this Marine's opinion of the 5.56mm if he'd rather use a Romanian copy of the Dragunov SVD.
The performance led the 7.62x54R to be nicknamed the “Russian .30-06”. The AK47, RPD, RPK, etc., on the other hand, fire a 7.62x39mm round, a 123-grain bullet at 2,300 fps, giving it about 10% less power than the old .30-30.
At any rate, there are a great many old Soviet weapons floating around Afghanistan which fire the 7.62x54R, beginning with the old-school Model 1891 Mosin-Nagant and progressing to the Dragunov SVD sniper rifle and all its clones to the PK-series of general purpose machine guns. I’ve seen photos of old WWII-era Goryunovs too. No doubt there’s also quite a few old Degtyarevs floating around as well.
Then there’s the 7.62x51mm NATO, the “obsolete” .308, (which is also trickling back into the hands of U.S., British, and German troops in Afghanistan in the form of designated marksman rifles and general purpose machine guns instead of SAW’s). The Taliban? .308?!? Yup. The Tali boys have been seen sporting their stylish Paki license-built copies of the German Heckler & Koch G3 battle rifle as well as the MG3 general purpose machine gun, no doubt obtained from the Pakistani armed forces. That’s also where they no doubt got the state-of-the-art Austrian Steyr SSG-9 sniper rifles they’ve been using too.
Time perhaps for us to re-discover the (.308-inch diameter) wheel? As a non-recovering FALcohalic and a Garand Man, all I can think of to say to the good guys is that old John Wayne line: "Use enough gun."
The Taliban guy with the PKM is apparently going for the ever-popular Che Guevara look.
Well, it would appear that’s it’s time to tick everyone off again and beat my favorite dead horse, the beloved 5.56x45mm service round. The 5.56mm was developed from the .223 Remington, which was intended to shoot varmints, from prairie dogs up to fox and coyote. Thus, due to it purpose of slaying canines, detractors (such as myself) refer to it as the “Poodle Shooter”. The original military round was the M193 55-grain FMJ, launched at a muzzle velocity of 3,250 feet per second. Sometimes, inside of 200 yards, the bullet would yaw violently when it hit a human target, then break apart at the cannelure inside the body, causing devastating wounds. Then again, sometimes it wouldn’t.
As Col. Harold G. Moore of We Were Soldiers fame noted of the effects of the 5.56mm on enemy soldiers in his AAR of the Ia Drang fight: "Even after being hit several times in the chest, many continued firing and moving for several more steps before dropping dead."
Col. John Hayworth recounted: “In one fire—fight, I saw my RTO place three rounds [of 5.56 mm] in the chest of a charging NVA regular at 50 yards. He kept firing his AK and never slowed down. At 30 yards, I hit him with a blast of double ought buck. It picked him up off his feet and he didn't get up again.”
The U.S. then bullied the rest of NATO into adopting the 5.56mm, just as we had the 7.62x51mm (.308). The latter turned out pretty well with the FN FAL, G3/CETME, and the M14, (even though at the time the British had already developed a kick-ass 7mm/.280 round with about the same performance as the new 6.5 and 6.8 rounds Spec Ops are looking at to replace the 5.56mm). But I digress.
It only took the brass hats and their deep-pocketed defense contractor pals three decades to admit that the old M193 55-grain bullet of Vietnam vintage wasn’t really worth a crap. Not to worry, they said. They brought in the new & improved super-secret choco-fudgie whack-o-matic M855 62-grain service load, actually the Belgian SS109, which is what everybody else calls it. This little varmint, the famous “green tip” ammo, features a 10-grain .182-caliber tungsten penetrator core down inside the bullet so that it can zip right through enemy body armor, which you really see lots of in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Seriously, it can penetrate the standard NATO 3.45mm steel plate up to a range of 640 meters (704 yds) and one side of the old U. S. steel helmet up to a range of 1,300 meters (1430 yds).
Unfortunately, at 19 meters, the average urban warfare engagement range, it still can’t penetrate a hollow cinder block or a brick wall. If your enemies run around in the open at 700 yards hiding behind steel plates, you’re in business. If they hide behind something rare like, say, the wall of a house, you’re SOL. Then it had to be taken into account that the heavier, longer bullet launched from tighter rifling was much more stable in fight than the 55-grainer, thus losing a lot of that famous, devastating yaw, which was about the only thing the cartridge had going for it in the first place. Whatever else the M855 might be, it ain’t a real good fight stopper.
The best description of how this works comes from Mark Bowden’s must-read classic Black Hawk Down. This was how Delta operator SFC Paul Howe saw the M855 perform in Mogadishu:
“He was an expert marksman, and thought he had hit them, but he couldn’t tell for sure because they kept running until they crossed the street and were out of view. It bugged him. His weapon was the most sophisticated infantry rifle in the world, a customized CAR-15, and he was shooting the army’s new 5.56mm green-tip round. The green tip had a tungsten carbide penetrator at the tip, and would punch holes in metal, but that very penetrating power meant his rounds were passing right through his targets. When the Sammies were close enough he could see when hit them. Their shirts would lift up at the point of impact, as if someone had pinched and plucked up the fabric. But with the green tip round it was like sticking somebody with an ice pick. The bullet made a small, clean hole, and unless it happened to hit the heart or spine, it wasn’t enough to stop a man in his tracks. Howe felt like he had to hit a guy five or six times just to get his attention."
Desert Storm was anything but an infantryman’s war, but there were some small arms engagements. According to Marine Maj. Howard Feldmeier, USMC (Ret.) : “ . . . several Marines commented that they had to shoot Iraqi soldiers 2—3 or more times with the 62—grain 5.56mm green tip ammo before they stopped firing back at them…”'
Then came Gulf War II, in Iraq and Afghanistan, for who knows how long, with plenty of action for the PBI (Poor Bloody Infantry). The same old sad story started cropping up again.
"The current-issue 62gr 5.56mm (223) round, especially when fired from the short-barreled, M-4 carbine, is proving itself (once again) to be woefully inadequate as man stopper. Engagements at all ranges are requiring multiple, solid hits to permanently bring down enemy soldiers. Penetration is also sadly deficient. Even light barriers are not perforated by this rifle/cartridge combination.”
"During engagements of less than 100 meters, [enemies] shot multiple times in the torso with 5.56 seemed to continue to function for a long period of time…" "Head shots seemed to be the only way to kill someone quickly with the Green-Tip bullet.”
“Soldiers asked for a weapon with a larger round. “So it will drop a man with one shot.''
“…the 5.56 mm round will not put a man to the ground with two shots to the chest.”
“…during a fierce exchange of gunfire, one insurgent was hit seven — count ‘em, seven — times in the torso by the 5.56, only to be brought down by a single shot to the head from a .45 caliber pistol. But before the insurgent died, he killed two U.S. soldiers and wounded seven.”
To top it off there’s a story in a 2006 issue of Marine Corps Times magazine where a squad leader admitted his Marines carried and used "found" enemy AK-47s because their 7.62 bullets packed "more stopping power."
Not to worry! The Army Pentagon boys had some flunkies with vested interest in the results conduct some tests and found that the M855 is just fine and dandy. (USMC and Navy reports read a little different, “does not meet USMC performance requirements”, but what the hell do they know?) All troops have to do, some Pentagon wonk who has probably never even fired a rifle said, is forget about that silly quaint old notion of a fast shot to center mass. Instead one should deliberately aim just a little bit higher on the torso during close range engagements and give the insurgent a “double tap” to the upper chest, which increases lethality by 10-20% according to the public information officer. If that doesn’t work, they advise, just give him a headshot next. Hopefully, during all this time, your opponent will have the good manners not to shoot you while he’s waiting. Plus, isn’t admitting you need multiple carefully-placed rounds to vital areas to put your man now the same as admitting the bloody bullets don’t work. Not if you’re a Pentagon spokesperson type.
Something else the M855 and the “heavy barrel” M16A2 were supposed to do was increase long-range performance of the 5.56mm. Afghanistan has proved to be a pretty good test ground for the whole long-range performance thing. A British Ministry of Defense report noted that over half of the firefights their troops have been in were between 300-900 meters. One U.S. Army commander put the average engagement range for his troops at 500 meters. Another American source agreed that over half of the engagements are in excess of 300 meters.
From the MOD report:
"The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2002 onwards represent the first sustained combat use of current NATO standard 5.56 mm ammunition since it was approved in 1980. Official and anecdotal reports provided by British, American, German and other NATO allies have all surfaced the same common complaints suggesting that issues fall into four categories as follows:
• Ineffectiveness at long range
• Inconsistent wounding effect
• Poor intermediate barrier penetration
• Ease of deflection
In the open and undulating countryside of Afghanistan, Taliban forces frequently engage ISAF units at distances beyond 300 metres. Using Russian made sniper rifles and machine guns firing high-powered 7.62 mm ammunition (equivalent in performance to the 7.62 mm NATO), the enemy can engage allied forces at ranges of up to 900 metre. Equipped with SA80 weapons firing 5.56 mm ammunition, British troops are unable to return fire because the effectiveness of small calibre 5.56 mm rounds diminishes rapidly at ranges beyond 300 metres; even the long-barrelled L86 [British SAW] light support weapon is ineffective beyond 400 metres."
Yeah but…yeah but…yeah but 5.56mm rounds are smaller, so soldiers can carry a lot more of them, and the various models of M16-series fire bursts or full-auto, so the men can spray ‘n’ pray a whole lot of un-aimed rounds downrange and just suppress the living hell out of the enemy. Well, not according to a British Royal Marine veteran of Afghanistan: “The Taliban ignore 5.56 mm, are worried by 7.62 mm and fear 12.7 mm rounds.”So, after another 3 decades, even the all high mucky mucks are finally getting ready to admit that maybe…just maybe…the M855 5.56mm ain’t all it’s cracked up to be either.
Now welcome (let’s give ‘im a big hand, ladies and gentlemen) the spiffy new non-performer of the next 3 decades. The Spec Ops boys, (who would prefer to go to a whole new performing cartridge such as the Remington 6.8 or the 6.5 Grendel), have attempted to increase the 5.56mm’s performance…again…with the SOST MK318 MOD 0 62-grain load. The Marines have already adopted it as their new standard round, after waiting for the Pentagon lawyers to finally declare it legal for use under the Hague Convention. Apparently it does work better than the M855 (a dubious accomplishment), and the Marines are always more interested in killing the enemy than the Army ever will be. The Army, meanwhile, tried to create an “eco-friendly” round (I kid you not…this was real!) which of course failed miserably.
Spokesmen say the new SOST round is “more lethal”. Are we to assume, then, that it will make people “more dead”?
Anyway, the Taliban also figured out that the 5.56 performs poorly at longer ranges. Rather than attempt to develop new loads, they just went old school and returned to shooting large caliber weapons at ranges far enough away that they didn’t have much to worry about in the way of return small arms fire.
The Afghans have always been fond of the old bolt-action .303 British Lee-Enfield, which launches a 174-grain bullet at 2,500 feet per second. During the Soviet-Afghan War, Mujahideen Commander Qazi Guljan Tayeb opined that he much preferred them to the captured AK-47s.

“These Enfields were quite effective against dismounted Soviets. They had a maximum effective range of 800 meters compared to 400 meters for the AK assault rifle. Further, the more-powerful .303 round would penetrate Soviet flak jackets while the AK round would not.”
Then there’s the 7.62x54Rimmed Russian round. Journalists, and even some senior Army NCO’s teaching threat weapon classes, think the Dragunov, the M60, and the AK47 all fire the same “Seben six two mike-mike round”. That just ain’t so. The 7.62x54 Rimmed is an old pre-revolution Russian cartridge from 1891, firing either a 185-grain heavy ball bullet at 2,700 fps or a 149-grain light ball at 2,850 fps. The long boattail bullets also have a high ballistic coefficient (google it) which contributes to good performance and longer range. At a thousand yards it’s still striking with more power than a .357 Magnum pistol. There are also armor piercing, incendiary, and tracer loads.

The performance led the 7.62x54R to be nicknamed the “Russian .30-06”. The AK47, RPD, RPK, etc., on the other hand, fire a 7.62x39mm round, a 123-grain bullet at 2,300 fps, giving it about 10% less power than the old .30-30.
At any rate, there are a great many old Soviet weapons floating around Afghanistan which fire the 7.62x54R, beginning with the old-school Model 1891 Mosin-Nagant and progressing to the Dragunov SVD sniper rifle and all its clones to the PK-series of general purpose machine guns. I’ve seen photos of old WWII-era Goryunovs too. No doubt there’s also quite a few old Degtyarevs floating around as well.
Then there’s the 7.62x51mm NATO, the “obsolete” .308, (which is also trickling back into the hands of U.S., British, and German troops in Afghanistan in the form of designated marksman rifles and general purpose machine guns instead of SAW’s). The Taliban? .308?!? Yup. The Tali boys have been seen sporting their stylish Paki license-built copies of the German Heckler & Koch G3 battle rifle as well as the MG3 general purpose machine gun, no doubt obtained from the Pakistani armed forces. That’s also where they no doubt got the state-of-the-art Austrian Steyr SSG-9 sniper rifles they’ve been using too.
Time perhaps for us to re-discover the (.308-inch diameter) wheel? As a non-recovering FALcohalic and a Garand Man, all I can think of to say to the good guys is that old John Wayne line: "Use enough gun."

The Taliban guy with the PKM is apparently going for the ever-popular Che Guevara look.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Gun Nut Roundup February 2010
New Nat'l Parks Gun Rules To Take Effect
The National Rifle Association reports that a law passed last spring, which would allow visitors to carry guns into national parks (contingent upon state and local laws) will take effect February 22.
There are still details being worked out, and guns may still be banned from some "facilities" within a national park. Firing your weapon into geysers, as always, remains discouraged.
Wyoming Bill Has Balls and Teeth
One Wyoming legislator has introduced a "Firearms Freedom Act" (FFA) into the state legislature. Modeled after similar laws passed by Montana and Tennessee (and under consideration in at least 21 other states), the bill states “that specified firearms that are manufactured, sold, purchased, possessed and used exclusively within Wyoming shall be exempt from federal regulation, including registration requirements."
Unlike some of the other FFA laws in other states, the Wyoming law would include penalties for federal agents who try to enforce federal gun laws in the state that conflict with the Wyoming law. Such official "shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be subject to imprisonment for not more than two (2) years, a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), or both."
While these laws obviously involve the 2nd Amendment and gun owners, they deal more with 10th Amendment issues.
Forward, March!
Gun nuts, keep this date open: April 19, 2010. This will be the date of the Second Amendment March upon Washington D.C. Thousands of Second Amendment supporters from around the country are expected to converge on D.C.
Smaller marches will be held at state capitals around the land. Check out the Second Amendment March website, to see if any groups are headed to D.C. from your area or when and where a rally may be held in your state.
The National Rifle Association reports that a law passed last spring, which would allow visitors to carry guns into national parks (contingent upon state and local laws) will take effect February 22.
There are still details being worked out, and guns may still be banned from some "facilities" within a national park. Firing your weapon into geysers, as always, remains discouraged.
Wyoming Bill Has Balls and Teeth
One Wyoming legislator has introduced a "Firearms Freedom Act" (FFA) into the state legislature. Modeled after similar laws passed by Montana and Tennessee (and under consideration in at least 21 other states), the bill states “that specified firearms that are manufactured, sold, purchased, possessed and used exclusively within Wyoming shall be exempt from federal regulation, including registration requirements."
Unlike some of the other FFA laws in other states, the Wyoming law would include penalties for federal agents who try to enforce federal gun laws in the state that conflict with the Wyoming law. Such official "shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be subject to imprisonment for not more than two (2) years, a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), or both."
While these laws obviously involve the 2nd Amendment and gun owners, they deal more with 10th Amendment issues.
Forward, March!
Gun nuts, keep this date open: April 19, 2010. This will be the date of the Second Amendment March upon Washington D.C. Thousands of Second Amendment supporters from around the country are expected to converge on D.C.
Smaller marches will be held at state capitals around the land. Check out the Second Amendment March website, to see if any groups are headed to D.C. from your area or when and where a rally may be held in your state.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
We've already covered how prosecuters can fake evidence and frame you in a court of "law" if you're a convenient scapegoat and how those same prosecuters want to be immune from lawsuits if they get caught.
Now the Feds, in the form of our "intelligence" agencies have decided to take it up a notch. Now, apparently, if those intelligence agencies suspect an American citizen of being a terrorist who might harm the United States (by which they mean the Federal government) they can just go ahead and blow you away! No fuss, no muss! To hell with costly and time-consuming evidence tampering and show trials! With the new Ronco-brand Justice Department and NIA rules of engagement, you can just fire away and not worry about those pesky legal or Constitutional restrictions!
Don't believe crazy ol' tinfoil hat Bob? How about ABC news? "LICENSE TO KILL? INTELLIGENCE CHIEF SAYS U.S. CAN TAKE OUT AMERICAN TERRORISTS."
"The director of national intelligence affirmed rather bluntly today that the U.S. intelligence community has authority to target American citizens for assassination if they present a direct terrorist threat to the United States."
Not to worry, boys and girls. They have to get permission.
"We take direct actions against terrorists in the intelligence community; if … we think that direct action will involve killing an American, we get specific permission to do that," Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair told the House Intelligence Committee.
Permission? From whom? Certainly not from that pesky ol' United States Constitution they all swore and oath to protect and defend? Who decides whom is a terrorist and a threat to the state?
Will it be Joe Stalin's dangerous "anti-revolutionaries" and "enemies of the people" and kulaks? Mao had his own "enemies of the state", many of them similiar to Uncle Joe's: land owners, the wealthy, intellectuals, scientists, writers, and, the most hienous of all, "possible threats to political power". How about Pol Pot's 2.5 million "New People" and "Depositees"? Or should we keep it simple like Adolph and just blame Jews.
I'm exaggerating for effect, of course. It won't be millions of kulaks. It will only be a couple of hundred of the "terrorists" as seen at the top of the post, defined by the likes of Janet "Reno" Napolitano or Rahm Emmanuel. Make an example of some, and the rest will fall in line. After all, it's for our own good.
Oh, one last thing. To all the RINO's who supported the "Patriot" Act...see, I told you so it was a slippery slope.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is actually a real mental health diagnosis. It is defined as "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy."
The following criteria comes from The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fourth edition, DSM IV-TR.
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
1.has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements) preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3.believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
4.requires excessive admiration
5.has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
7.lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
9.shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
Hey, I'm just sayin'. If the shoe fits....
Thursday, February 04, 2010
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